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DrupalConDC Caching

The star or asterisk (*) clears everything

Memcache actually looks at how many daemons you are running, creates a hash that goes across them, and makes it configarable
it uses an object orientation

Earl Miles has made OO more palatable to the Drupal community through the

Larry Garfield has handlers implementation


Evoc and making Drupal semantic

Scor: will allow multiple

domain and range

The content type and its field would really be the
For instance, nodereference basically defines the range.

Field first name, for instance, is a textfield, so it should not be possible to use RDF properties that need to be a link

"So if someone downloads Drupal and sets up a Drupal site, even if they have no idea what RDF is, they will be producing it?"


Everyone says to start with the fancy graph of showing who knows whom and what people they know made.

Using Git for Drupal development discussion

A gig and a half is all of core and contrib.

Drupal core with all of its history is 23 megabytes in a git repository.

Sticky write permissions forces new directories
chmod g+ws -r files

I show people the contents of this directory where I have index.php1, index.php2, index.php3, and why this [is a pain].

Before we even get into the benefits of collaboration.

P not moving toward git until moves toward a DVCS

That's why I have the system with a git copy

It will not be trivial.

DrupalConDC Accessibility birds-of-a-feather

People on our staff each use the screen reader differently. You don't get consensus in even how to do user testing. A person who is blind from birth vs. not or technically adept vs. not. Different from a sited user occasionally trying a site with a screen reader.

People with limited mobility not using a mouse.

We need users who represents people in each area.

PHPEclipse instead of Eclipse PDT

Recommended by quicksketch:



Biblioreference module keyword fetching SQL wrong turns

re[] = "n.type = 'biblio'";
$count = count($words);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$where[] = 'bk.word ' . $match_operators[$match];
// for multiple words we're going to have to string a bunch of these together with "or"
// first we took only the first word as a proof of concept
// now we're sticking with and, not or, so multiple words act as filtering
$args = $words;
$where_clause = $where ? 'where '. implode(' and ', $where) : '';

DrupalConDC RDF bof

Stéphane Corlosquet presented
Robert Douglass and
Frank Febbrarro
also did a fair amount of talking

We have an array

because it's a triple because this object is, and anything can happen

$node->rdf = array(
'type' => 'sioct:Weblog',
'title' => 'dc:title',
'body' => 'sioc:content',

The object is take that key and look it up.

so in order:

Project Management for Fun and Profit at CommonPlaces Room

process shouldnt drive development, it should support it. it should minimize the "what are we doing now" help to stay focused on the project

someone should be the owner of every piece

agile -- time and materials contracts ---

waterfall -- the more traditional linear approach....

agile good for user: centric social networks, web apps

waterfall - corporate sites and other informational sites

agile requires talented developers, clients willing to invest continuous resources and actively think about direction, constant access to design resources

Selling Drupal Services at CommonPlaces Room

selling you and your drupal services

entreprenuership is cool

true genius is pulling the threads out of the ether and giving them reality! (david lynch said a similar thing once!)

sales guy and a boss of 11 people, coaching hockey taught him a lot

if you do the right thing winning takes care of itself.

what is this? a little bit too much about lucidus for me

  1. ground rules

  2. how we sell drupal

  3. some things learned along the way

The Business of Open Source at CommonPlaces Room


Liza Kindred

open source initiative

turn free software into jobs
lullabot has 401k benefits

lullabot supports 35 ppl with families !!! awesome!!!

credit / attribution

  1. free redistribution
    of ideas, no new ideas, someone's already had it, dont keep ideas to yourself. everybody has good ideas

  2. source code
    mission statements are dumb, but understand the core values of a company is really really important

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