DrupalConDC RDF bof
Stéphane Corlosquet presented
Robert Douglass and
Frank Febbrarro
also did a fair amount of talking
We have an array
because it's a triple because this object is, and anything can happen
$node->rdf = array(
'type' => 'sioct:Weblog',
'title' => 'dc:title',
'body' => 'sioc:content',
The object is take that key and look it up.
so in order:
$node->type = 'blog';
$node->title = 'The blog post title.'
$node->body = 'Lorum ipsum...';
$node->uid = 2;
You could do that whole node format in that syntax.
I'd want something more structured
You can express all of Drupal in RDF without doing very much change.
What RDFa looks like on the theme level:
print $node->nid;
Node table will lose body, probably, and maybe eventually title.
In the context of this content type, these are the mappings.
* Impementation of hook_node_info().
'rdf_mappings' => array(
'type' => 'sioc:Weblog',
'title' => 'dc:title',
Maybe ewe should look at how to RDF-ize token.
Could you do a blog post?
Does this have any ability to alter the definitions? So that DC creator is a userreference
Contrib modules can change the semantics of core.
We could make terms into fields
another module should handle the relationship to nodes-- which means it should be handled
What kind of a j
what made content taxonomy extremely complicated
you can store the data
you can store your data on the moon
We're introducing another join, but we gain a lot.
If you add it multiple times, you are forced to change it.
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