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Secure private file management in Drupal

Conveniently, there's a whole e-book on the subject:

And some very old threads that come to no happy resolution, Public v. Private download method..." and How to set up proper private file access.

Creating a word paste plugin for TinyMCE

Ebony-II:tinymce ben$ grep -nHR 'mceCleanup' . | less -S

Drupal database layer (up to the D6 era) and limit clauses: use db_query_range()

Variables passed in first, and then a start and as stop value for indexing (zero and ten, here).

$result = db_query_range(db_rewrite_sql($sql), $type, $status, 0, 10);

An example from node module's search integration, node_update_index(), makes it clearer:

 $limit = (int)variable_get('search_cron_limit', 100);

  // ...

Ask Agaric: Where does Drupal store module dependency information?

"I can't see how drupal is storing the dependents. They are not in the system table info column."

Drupal doesn't store dependents, it gets them from the .info file each time:

COINS feature in Biblio stores the site URL

Kathleen noted that the biblio_coins column was the only place in an entire site database that was storing the site URL, which is annoying when building out and adding content to a site at a URL that is not its final location.

Biblio is doing this as part of its automatic (and to my knowledge unheralded) feature of adding hidden "COINS" data to its output of bibliography entries everywhere, it seems, even the shortest listings.

Typography resources

Periodic Table of Typefaces. [mostly for fun] - a Zen subtheme with the Mark Boulton touch. [I have to confess I don't get what's so much better]

SWAN Ontology and Bibliography module with reference to Bibo

[Note-- "ODL" below should be read as OWL-DL or OWL DL, see ]
See wikipedia FRBR

two manifestations related to one expression (work)

When we import the data from PubMed, it gives a reference to a documentation.

can create an expression even if only one manifestation-- but you do not have to.

The manifestation has all the metadata, the expression is just saying these two things are the same thing

Never forget: hook_form_FORM_ID_alter

hook_form_alter is my favorite hook, but it has a more specific and so cleaner variation in Drupal 6:


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