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Annotation of a site for developers, admins, and maintainers

I would like a way to take notes on pages that are only visible to certain roles. Adding a hidden field could do this but it's a lot of overhead, doesn't properly separate content from notes, and would apply only to content types.

For temporary content - "Hey we should do something else with this page, maybe such and such" - an input filter for hidden text would be perfect-- even something that really hides <!-- HTML style comments --> and displays them nicely.

Override imagecache module

There should be a module that lets people override the automatically resized and cropped image with one they did for that image and that size specifically. Especially for choosing what part of the image when a crop is necessary.

A workaround would be to create another separate imagefield that does not use imagecache that is used if anything is uploaded to it, but this involves template work and general kludginess.

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