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Views 2 Theming TutorialsViews 2 Theming Tutorials
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on June 11, 2009 - 5:57pm
Theming Views 2 (.tpl.php files)
Beginners Tutorial for Views 2 Theming: Creating an alternative block for recent comments
From Agaric:
Getting Views as Data with Drupal 6 Views 2
Using the taxonomy term associated with a node as an argument in a view
Exclude the results of a one-node view from another view (the Featured Feature problem)
Passing an argument from a block to a page with Views 6
Views 2 discussion at Drupal Camp NYC 5
Provide an 'Add New' link on a simple view for easily creating more content to list
Show nodes that reference a node, in a block
Developing / debugging Views: helper functions