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Google tip for searching Drupal modules

In addition to restricting a google search to you can further restrict it to

Just put your keywords in the google search bar followed by

MySQL Query to Get Quick Overview of Nodes by Content Type

mysql> SELECT, nt.type, COUNT(n.nid) FROM node_type nt LEFT JOIN node n ON nt.type = n.type GROUP BY (nt.type);

Undo Drupal's over-aggressive shortening of user names

And use a real ellipses!

Drupal's theme_username() is used many places within Drupal, and shortens any name over 20 characters, which can be a lot if you encourage people to use full names. This can be undone with a preprocess function in your module or theme, just replace EXAMPLE with your module or theme name.

Maintaining a Drupal project with Git: Vacating the master branch

If you've already been committing code to master, do this to start a new 7.x branch and kill off the code in the master branch so noone gets confused.

cd /path/to/repo
git checkout -b 7.x-1.x

git push origin 7.x-1.x

git checkout master
git rm -r *
echo "Real code is not kept on the master branch, to see the code: git checkout 7.x-1.x" > README.txt
git add README.txt
git commit -m "Add a README explaining that the master branch is empty."
git push origin master

Define and Use a JQuery Plugin as a Helper Function for Drupal JavaScript

Here's the basics of defining and using a JQuery plugin within the context of Drupal.

This is definitely not the best and highest use of a plugin, and may in fact be a downright abomination-- this isn't a plugin that really works outside the context of the code it is written for, and certainly not outside Drupal. But it was a clean way to abstract out 42 lines of code, so here it is, for the enjoyment of all.

The first part here is simply how to call JQuery from Drupal, the second part is the plugin.

How to fetch a file at a URL and set it as the default image in an image field

There's two separate cool things here that you might want to do. One, simply know how to save a file from a URL (there's a secret Drupal function for that in system module) and two, how to give an image field a default image when creating it programmatically (that part is outsourced to the fieldhelp module).

Disabling Drupal's default notifications to the administrator when a user registers

This is not tested, but running this code (in an update hook, via Drush php-eval, however) should prevent Drupal from sending its notifications to the site e-mail address when a new, pending approval user registers:

Include a file nested within a module directory wit Drupal 7's module_load_include

The documentation for module_load_include doesn't mention it, but if a file is in a subdirectory in its module folder, or even nested several levels deeper, this module-relative path should be included with the file name in the third parameter.

Beware of transactions in Drupal 7

Drupal 7's database layer makes use of transactions in several places. Be careful when you expect to see the results of node_save() outside of the scope of the current request. If someone accesses your website data before the transaction has been committed, the results of queries executed within are not visible. Either all queries succeed or nothing happens at all in a database transactions.

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