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Use different view mode based on theme


Both these are needed to work for teaser nodes in a view, at least:

Drupal ingredient-dish-meal code-module-site analogy, and different cooks and restaurants

Code as ingredients, modules as dishes, sites as meals, installation profile as recipe, and restaurants with a menu as providers of distributions (or SaaS, though she doesn't mention that).

That's the takeaway from today's post by Karen Borchert at Agile Approach.

To find out what is making a cron run very long (or failing)

A bunch of functions run when cron is run, to find out what is causing the overall run to take a long time (possibly timing out and breaking), you need to look at them piece by piece. This code does that:

Code courtesy Tim Hilliard and tip courtesy George Cassie.

LaTeX markup output with Drupal

"It can be used to display mathematics written in LaTeX as images inline with other text, or separately as a downloadable pdf."

And using JavaScript to present math equations:

Building Beauty presentation documentation and links

The Site

  • Horizontal continuum for all sections
  • Press request and access functionality with Organic Groups
  • Complex, structured project content type
  • News, press releases, etc.
  • Events listing
  • About Daniel Libeskind section, including sub-project listing with galleries
  • Project, one-by-one galleries
  • PDF Generator
  • Mobile version ...including for BlackBerry
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