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Drupal 7

Creating a Subtheme in Drupal 7

Bear with us, and Drupal 7. There are some non-intuitive steps in the subtheming, but the power, simplicity of modifying, and relative ease of upgrading is worth it.

Agaric wants an emacs orgmode-style input format for Drupal

There is apparently no such thing yet and this may be silly, but the idea is to have an input filter that would make a copy-paste of an emacs org-mode document look good-- perhaps even with collapsible sub-sections using JQuery.

Or, there's the obvious approach: let emacs export to HTML.

Drupal 7 module development gotchas

First we discovered that you need a .module file for your module to be recognized. A .info file is not enough. (In this case, we only wanted the .install file, we made an empty .module file, and all was well. But then we wanted to add some functions to that empty .module file...)

Now we have found that you need to declare

files[] = agaric_example.module

in your file for your agaric_example.module to be read!!!

Sharing a complex Drupal patch for contributing to core, with git

cvs -z6 checkout drupal
cd drupal/
git init
git add *
git status
git add .htaccess
git commit -m 'first commit of unmodified current Drupal 7 head'
git remote add origin
git push origin
patch -p0 < terms_as_fields.patch
git status
git commit -a -m "bangpound's proof of concept working fundamentals of getting CCK fields for terms and deprecating taxonomy_nodeapi"
git push

DrupalConDC Field API at Drupal 7

Field storage is pluggable - take a look at a 4 GB blob about to go in, and send that to some other storage rather than a MySQL database, and let Drupal know you've taken care of it.

Fields - base types.

Bundles: Mostly equals content types, but the same concept (article has these fields, blog has these fields) but it can be applied to other objects.

Field types - a field attached to a particular bundle.

Allowed values functionality removed and replaced with list.

D7 Taxonomy Menu reworking for usability: tabs for vocabulary and term editing

Note: This note is not to my usual audience (ok, well it's still to myself...). Usually notes on Agaric are about working with Drupal, extending it, making modules or themes. This note is about developing and improving Drupal core itself. Although if you happen to be building any module for Drupal 7 right now, say because for instance you are insane, you would run into this issue also.

To those in IRC last night, I really wasn't crazy.

Nothing I could do through the user interface would touch the menu_router table.

Testing a patch and adding a simpletest

Testing a patch and adding a simpletest with Catch as my guide.

Steps taken, starting with checking out Drupal 7 dev (or head, until the code freeze).

(I got the link to the patch for the wget below from the issue, in this case )

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