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Final 20 Issues Chat on Skype

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Benjamin Melançon
11/5/07 5:57 PM

Pierre George
11/5/07 5:58 PM

too bad cannot hold for some more min ...
11/5/07 5:58 PM

will edit more issues in drupal
11/5/07 5:58 PM

you will have them for breakfast
7:01 PM

7:01 PM

ben ?
7:01 PM

it is 1pm here .... so let us focus quickly
7:02 PM

1 am, Pierre ...
Pierre George
7:02 PM

7:03 PM

Quicktags gives your textfields buttons to make HTML easy to add

Installed quicktags to add HTML code insertion buttons to form - adds buttons to your forms

Quicktags should not appear on plain text form fields


Abortive experiment with MySite

I think Ken Rickards is one of the most important people to Drupal today.

This was a turn the module on in a very busy situation to see what it did. Agaric has not had time to learn to use it the way one should with a module. So we've turned it off. But here's some notes, from an absolute first-time user's perspectiev:

I love that it gives the opportunity to track by taxonomy vocabulary term.

It only lists the first 10 terms alphabetically, though. I think all can be reached by the autocomplete field, but that should be made explicit.

Overide Panels CSS

panels override css

Due to this great code, it should just work. But it doesn't.

function panels_get_layout($layout, $content) {
  $output = theme($layout['theme'], check_plain($layout['css_id']), $content);

Illegal offset

What I learned from:

warning: Illegal offset type in /Users/ben/workspace/repos/agaric/agaric-modules/place/5/place/taxonomy_location/taxonomy_location.module on line 30.

One reason you may get an illegal offset error is passing in an array where you mean to pass in a key--

you're trying to put in a number, but instead your putting an array, into another array to act as a key


Drupal won't set values to NULL with db_query %d system

removed bug from taxonomy_location_save that was put in while trying, and failing, to put in a NULL value with a Drupal query

Women in Open Source Free Software

Agaric's Subtitle: How not to be a jerk, to anybody
Agaric's further commentary: lack of female participation in free software projects is a failing and a huge liability for the critically important software (and ideas, information, and knowledge) freedom movement.
It also strongly indicates less human involvement than we otherwise would have.

Set Drupal input filters by content type

We'll give the solution up front:
Filter by node type module

This is really really useful for setting up wikis that you don't want to take over the whole site:

The search for it:
input format by content type

Order of things in crazy form-within a form

NOTE: This refers to order of processing the form, not display.

Of passing interest. Ran while debugging. Still haven't figured out how to add stuff to the form that will be accepted by the subform.

The order of things:

• action_node_form
• fix subform
• nodeapi validate
• combined action submit
• action_node_form
• action_node_form already_submitted
• addnid
• subform
• Your Action set has been created.
• nodeapi insert
• Your Action has been created.

Linked to from group versus unlinked node creation

(This matters to Agaric because we're doing all kinds of crazy stuff to stick the action set (organic group) creation on the same form as the action (node that belongs to organic group).)

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action

becomes in the linked group:

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=233

That's the only difference.

if (!isset($form['og_nodeapi']['invisible']['og_groups']['#value'])) {

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