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Print a block directly from a theme

Completely revised and updated: print a block directly in a theme or page the Agaric way

Print block directly in a theme with its title

Promoting Ubuntu without subsidizing bad media: some proposals

[A post to a lengthening thread on the Massachusetts Ubuntu e-mail list about raising $250,000 to put an Ubuntu ad in the New York Times.]

It's a lot (probably too much) to ask any group or organization to be the first, but we the people who give a damn about our human condition have to break a dependence on media that help the unconscionable become accepted.

IRC discussion: adding a taxonomy term to all nodes

Assigning a taxonomy term to all nodes

(Colloquy lost the beginning, buh.)

Calling a GMap View from a theme, the hacky way

OK, so the situation is that we have a custom front page, page-front.tpl.php and we want to call a GMap view.

GMaps does not like to be shown through a view called directly by a theme.

We tried every possible way we could think of including drupal_add_js() in modules and the page-front.tpl.php and nothing worked.

Ultimately, we put the two <script > javascript lines that were missing (using the sophisticated technique of viewing source on the view/map page that worked and the home page that didn't).

Automatic translation is dangerous

Moral of the story, you should not use automatic online translation services such as Babelfish or any computer translation of human languages for any important communication, including your web site.,online-translator-sparks-diplomatic-row.aspx


Turning on Drupal performance caching (to see if overzelous regular caching will take a break)

So still trying to find out why the binary logs for our WSF2008 development site fill up the alloted disk space and shut down MySQL once every couple of days or, as yesterday, twice a day.

Searched for "drupal keeps refreshing cache" and found a wonderful pro-Drupal pitch with this reminder:


Menu system to be comprehensible in Drupal 6

Never forget: I have found it easier to rewrite from scratch than fully understand/fix

– chx, aka Karoly Negyesi, on the Drupal 5 (and earlier) menu system.


When you accidentally overwrite a localization language and freak out because the whole site is Arabic

This kind of thing can happen if you don't read the clear documentation on how to add languages and how NOT to overwrite existing languages as you improve your multilingual Drupal site.

If it's your custom language, yeah, that sucks if you didn't back up your database nor export the language.

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