User login


High-capacity MySQL random notes

my.conf mysql max connections

grep -h oom-killer /var/log/kern.log{.0,} | cut -f1, -d: | sed 's/$/:xx UTC/' | uniq -c

aptitude install mytop

mytop -u wsf2008 -d wsf2008 -p pASsWoRd

This is just too funny.

Useful Linux Commands vol. 1

Linux - General Command Lines

Note: You MUST be at the ROOT user to make/save any changes. Linux users, your distribution will determine the location of your network config file which will need to be updated and saved in order for the changes to remain in effect after rebooting. Network cards are referred to as eth0, eth1, eth2, etc based on their position on the PCI bus.

Delete unused taxonomy terms from a free tagging vocabulary

Wish taxonomy terms would get deleted when a node is deleted, if they aren't used by any other content?

Agaric brings you the next best thing.

@TODO ben-agaric: turn this into a module

Basically we want to delete any term that doesn't exist in the term_node table, though it would be nice to do this by vocabulary (as in, nice not to accidentally delete your carefully set up non-free tagging vocabulary)

FYI - tonight's chat.. supposed to be 15mins!!!

Another little piece of life on the project:

A call to t() in FAQ causing excessive locale cache refreshing

Agaric @TODO - report this to FAQ issue queue

Here's a string that shouldn't have been in t() --

aeb831da T+0.588907 [DEBUG ] cache_clear_all('locale:pt-br', 'cache') in `modules/locale/locale.module':213

Agaric wants to never, ever see the message illegal choice detected by administrator

Or maybe it's the form validation error that we never want to see. Yes, I may have a form open 50 hours before submitting it! Drupal shouldn't have a problem with that!

Ok, back to the strangeness at hand:

An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.

says to use the (dangerous) #dangerous_skip_check

Users and usernodes getting out of synch

it's quite annoying... the only way to delete a usernode is to delete the user. So to delete orphaned usernames I assigned a bunch of them to New Test, and deleted the user New Test (directly through user/##/edit rather than an admin interface). This worked great, except... it left the New Test usernode orphaned!

(I can see a vicious cycle here)

Unpublishing for now, to keep it out of lists (remember to filter your user pages by published), but we'll have to be aware to look out for more user/usernode weirdness.


Finding stuff in a subform (useless note)


$subforms[0][nid][#post][title] => Make this automatic
... and every one of these... vid, uid, created, type, log
$subforms[0][changed][#post][title] => Make this automatic

For author at least #post was under another, extra level, [name]
... in addition to being at the #post position as usual

$subforms[0][submit][#post][title] => Make this automatic

$subforms[0][#post] => Array
[title] => Make this automatic

Add action form print_r dump - for easy reference for form_alter and form theming

modern version of add action form

Agaric output this form for the sake of setting a more logical default start time for the date module CCK field here,

We're keeping it around for the fun that could be had with time zones...

[#id] => node-form
[nid] => Array
[#type] => value
[#value] =>

[vid] => Array
[#type] => value
[#value] =>

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