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Information on how to do something... anything.

Identify individual issues or blog posts

how can i identify individual issues of the digest with specific links for each date for future reference?

On your front page - - or any listing you'll notice that if you hover over the title, it's a link. You can copy this link (or click it and copy the URL from the browser's address bar).

For instance the current latest is:

Restoring the Agaric logo

Many of our sites link to an Agaric Design Collective logo by the inestimable Dan Hakimzadeh (I literally don't know what that word means– he made a great logo, but then didn't fix the links to the image, so we're giving him the benefit of a toss-up).

From the directory on my computer with the image, we upload it to my home directory on Agaric's server:

scp LOGOSMALL.png ben@agaricserver:~

Now up on Agaric's server, me make a directory for it, move it into position, and rename it– in two steps!

Custom nodes module AND CCK: Bdragon serves you cake and lets you have it, too

stompeers___: I have just a few tables: masters (which are the CDs and DVDs), sales orders (which consist of orders from clients) and work orders (each work order is for a single master, and there may be many work orders for a single sales order).
[9:26pm] pnm_ joined the chat room.
[9:26pm] designerbrent left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[9:26pm] purserj joined the chat room.

Decimal numbers and Drupal's db_query (sprintf)

GMap centering rounds off?

Drupal.extend({ settings: { "gmap": { "view_gmap": { "width": "100%", "height": "300px", "zoom": 9, "controltype": "Small", "align": "None", "maptype": "Hybrid", "line_colors": [ "#00cc00", "#ff0000", "#0000ff" ], "behavior": { "locpick": false, "nodrag": 0, "nokeyboard": 1, "nomousezoom": 0, "autozoom": 0, "dynmarkers": 0, "overview": 0, "notype": 0, "collapsehack": 0, "scale": 0, "fatmarkers": false }, "markermode": "1", "longitude": "-71.000000", "latitude": "42.000000", "markers": [

Unsetting things in Nodeapi View works to hide them

function wsf_action_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
  if ($node->type == 'action') {
//  when showing a node: load, view, alter
    switch ($op) {
      case 'view':
        // unsetting things in nodeapi view *does* work

Setting up a simple (one-person) blog site with Drupal core

gengou: just a question : i don't want to use "Blog module" (don't want to create Multiple blogs -> Blog module creates a blog for each user)... I Just want to do a Single blog.
[5:29pm] ben-agaric: And yes-- or admin/content/types to make a new one, and Views (which is being developed in #drupal, which is why we try to send you here)
[5:30pm] ben-agaric: gengou ^^
[5:30pm] gengou: should i create "stories" ?
[5:30pm] ben-agaric: Sure.

Theme dropdown select form element

Adapted (taken) from All Drupal Themes:

form#place-taxonomy-terms-dropdown-form {
border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
background-color: #FAFAFA;

form#place-taxonomy-terms-dropdown-form input,
form#place-taxonomy-terms-dropdown-form select {
padding: 1px;
border:1px solid #eee;
font: normal 1em "Trebuchet MS", Tahoma, sans-serif;

Making links in your theme work with Drupal localization

The name of the Agaric Design Collective member who screwed this up will go unmentioned. (The person who in the first version of this note forgot to put the print statements before the l() with t() function was me, though.)


<div class="lbutton"><a href="/findaction"><span class="buttn2">Find an Action</span></a></div>

Remixing Drupal the Agaric Way: Multilingual Panels

Step 1: Find a function that does some or most of what you want.
Step 2: Find another function that does the rest of what you want.
Step 3: Mash them together.

The situation this time: we have a Drupal 5 site (World Social Forum 2008) with i18n (internationalization module) and need translated content to show up in panels.

Update: Go straight to the patch.

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