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Decimal numbers and Drupal's db_query (sprintf)

GMap centering rounds off?

Drupal.extend({ settings: { "gmap": { "view_gmap": { "width": "100%", "height": "300px", "zoom": 9, "controltype": "Small", "align": "None", "maptype": "Hybrid", "line_colors": [ "#00cc00", "#ff0000", "#0000ff" ], "behavior": { "locpick": false, "nodrag": 0, "nokeyboard": 1, "nomousezoom": 0, "autozoom": 0, "dynmarkers": 0, "overview": 0, "notype": 0, "collapsehack": 0, "scale": 0, "fatmarkers": false }, "markermode": "1", "longitude": "-71.000000", "latitude": "42.000000", "markers": [

svn commit -m "that was very silly-- values (variables) with numbers after the decimal point have to be passed in as %f, not %d, i Drupal's mysql query wrapping function (which uses the PHP string function conventions for those percent letter things)"



Fix doesn't help

I'm having the same bug, but the insert query already has the %f. Any other bugs/fixes I have to integrate?

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