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Setting up a simple (one-person) blog site with Drupal core

gengou: just a question : i don't want to use "Blog module" (don't want to create Multiple blogs -> Blog module creates a blog for each user)... I Just want to do a Single blog.
[5:29pm] ben-agaric: And yes-- or admin/content/types to make a new one, and Views (which is being developed in #drupal, which is why we try to send you here)
[5:30pm] ben-agaric: gengou ^^
[5:30pm] gengou: should i create "stories" ?
[5:30pm] ben-agaric: Sure.
[5:30pm] gengou: just a question : i don't want to use "Blog module" (don't want to create Multiple blogs -> Blog module creates a blog for each user)... I Just want to do a Single blog.
[5:30pm] ben-agaric: You can rename the content type to anything you want if you like
[5:31pm] gengou: ben-agaric : where ?
[5:31pm] omgs left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[5:31pm] ben-agaric: admin/content/types
[5:32pm] gengou: sorry : i have problems with IRC : i use ircatwork, it's very very bad.... that's why there are 2 times the same message
[5:33pm] nikkiana joined the chat room.
[5:33pm] gengou: yes, but where can i then display all the "stories" in a single "blog" page ?
[5:34pm] nikkiana left the chat room. (Client Quit)
[5:34pm] gengou: yes, but where can i then display all the "stories" in a single "blog" page ?
[5:34pm] gengou: how to facilitate the edition of a blog entry ? with a small editor ?
[5:34pm] gengou: a module ?
[5:35pm] ben-agaric: gengou:
[5:36pm] ben-agaric: is for listing. I don't use any rich text editor on my sites (at the moment), so can't help you there. is fun.
[5:36pm] phillipfry left the chat room. ("Leaving")
[5:37pm] gengou: ben-agaric : how to display all the stories in a single page ? like a blog...
[5:37pm] BHSPitWork left the chat room. ("Leaving")
[5:38pm] _DT: just curious, when's the best time to unset attached files on node? If I remove them in the form's hook_submit they won't be stored in db / filesystem?
[5:38pm] ben-agaric: gengou, seriously, Views. Good luck.
[5:38pm] _DT: basically I'm limiting the number of files a user can attach to a piece of content
[5:39pm] emspace joined the chat room.
[5:39pm] emspace left the chat room. (Client Quit)
[5:40pm] emspace joined the chat room.
[5:41pm] atsea- left the chat room. (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[5:41pm] nikkiana joined the chat room.
[5:42pm] siliconmeadow left the chat room.
[5:42pm] claudio_a left the chat room. ("• IRcap [8.23] • •")
[5:43pm] gengou: ben-agaric : i need an external (no-core) plugin for such a simple thing ???
[5:44pm] BrianV_: with users, status=0 is disabled, what is the proper code for 'awaiting admin approval'?
[5:45pm] BrianV_: I am using rolesignup to allow users to sign up into roles. however, certain roles I am trying to hold for admin approval
[5:45pm] ghoztly left the chat room. (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[5:45pm] BrianV_: my current attempt is to user hook_user to set the status for that role to 'awaiting admin approval'... so what status should I set it to?
[5:45pm] gengou: just to have a simple blog view ? i.e. a list of all stories ? i need an external plugin ?
[5:46pm] gengou: module sorry
[5:46pm] aymerick joined the chat room.
[5:47pm] dway joined the chat room.
[5:47pm] xored joined the chat room.
[5:47pm] BrianV_: gengou - don't look at Views and other modules as 'external'... they are a very important part of Drupal site development
[5:47pm] BrianV_: any site you build will likely need at least views and a few others
[5:47pm] BrianV_: even for a small blog site
[5:49pm] gengou: when not putting it in core ?
[5:49pm] gengou: why doesn't the cookbook / beginner guide speak about it ?
[5:50pm] atsea-63 joined the chat room.
[5:50pm] jmlane: gengou, I think the idea is to put Views in the core, in version 6
[5:50pm] ben-agaric: gengou: you should add that then, to the beginner guide
[5:50pm] ben-agaric: jmlane: not in 6. Probably not in 7.
[5:51pm] ben-agaric: Well actually probably important parts in 7.
[5:51pm] jmlane: ben-agaric, not important enough, or just too buggy?
[5:51pm] eretico_scumunic left the chat room.
[5:51pm] ben-agaric: The very good explanation I've gotten is neither--
[5:51pm] ben-agaric: it's moving too fast, improving too quickly.
[5:51pm] ryness: i've select certain roles on a view's Access section, but the anonymous user is still able to see it
[5:51pm] ryness: any ideas why?
[5:52pm] ben-agaric: If it had to go on Drupal core's releases cycle, development would go really slowly.
[5:52pm] jmlane: ben-agaric, that does make sense then. I've never thought of it that way

gengou: does not use "views" !! you said that quite every site uses "views" !
[5:59pm] ben-agaric: I don't think so. But let me know when you figure that out-- it's critical for wikis, I kept meaning to check what happened.
[5:59pm] ben-agaric: gengou: if Wordpress sent you over here, they can have you back.
[5:59pm] gengou: how does specify what is on the home page for example ?
[5:59pm] MrPrise joined the chat room.
[5:59pm] MrPrise: hello
[5:59pm] _DT: If anyone was thinking about it. I wrote this code to strip extra attached files on submit and limit the number of attached files to 10
[5:59pm] _DT:
[6:00pm] ben-agaric: Although gengou, good point--
[6:00pm] MrPrise: how can I get my drupal site's base url? the url of the start page
[6:00pm] BrianJubal: gengou - promote to front page might do what you want it to do.
[6:00pm] MrPrise: is there a var for that?
[6:00pm] ben-agaric: if all you want is a site that only has blog posts, you can use stories with 'promote to front page'
[6:00pm] ben-agaric: and also make pages that do not promote to front page, but just have menu links
[6:01pm] ben-agaric: and it would be awesome if you could write that up: "simple blog site with Drupal core"
[6:01pm] ben-agaric: we're all so used to installing Views + CCK and even Panels before starting to build anything


Searched words: 
blog single-person simple blogging tool Wordpress in Drupal



Could you make a single user blog?!
How can I find documentation how i can make it?


IRC chat displayed


How did you put the irc chat in this site? Is this just a screenshot or you use a module?

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