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Taxonomy translation: better way in Drupal 5?

taxonomy translation
Drupal taxonomy term translation

i18n: how to translate taxonomy terms

Multilingual categories

From the i18n/contributed/README.txt

Agaric Design Collective's Wiki Recipe

Easily create and edit content and link to others' wiki content. All participants logged into the site can edit this content type. All edits are stored as revisions.

Cache or take an image snapshot of Google maps display in Drupal

Cache a google map shown through GMap module, including the icons loaded on the map-- so essentially, create a static image (jpg, png) of the map that is created through the interaction of your site with the Google Map API and JavaScript.

No answer:

Using PHP/MySQL with Google Maps


Search just modules on

ben-agaric: Is there a way to search specifically for modules on ? I am *not* a newb!
[5:14pm] ben-agaric: never mind -- advanced search:
[5:15pm] gnat_x: ben-agaric: i always just use google, and limite it to
[5:15pm] ben-agaric: then expand the closed fieldset, and choose "Project" for the content type
[5:15pm] jenlampton: ben-agaric: I also like to do a google searh on " project whatever"

MySQL Binary Logs of Death

MySQL Binary Logs of Death (er, I mean, "on Debian")

This guy (a man very much after my own heart, he started logging this problem of a full root partition before he had a solution) had the same problem, but didn't seem to think it was a problem:
MySQL binary log space (Debian) 10/15/07

Set Drupal input filters by content type

We'll give the solution up front:
Filter by node type module

This is really really useful for setting up wikis that you don't want to take over the whole site:

The search for it:
input format by content type

Agaric wants a Drupal module that lists recently enabled and disabled modules in a block

Agaric would like a module that provides a view (or simply a standard block, linked to a page) that lists the most recently enabled modules and links to their settings pages -- like on the admin by modules page.

A list of recently disabled modules would be nice too, but this would not link to their settings pages! It could link to the modules' spot or section on the Administer » Site Building » Modules page.

Would anyone else like this? Quite an easy module to develop, although because there's no time field in Drupal 5

Scalar value variable issues

So we had these problems (at end of post). Fairly noticable.

Deleted everything we could find that could cause it (after making a hackish custom error message setting, see blockquote here)

<pre>function wsf_action_init() {

Linked to from group versus unlinked node creation

(This matters to Agaric because we're doing all kinds of crazy stuff to stick the action set (organic group) creation on the same form as the action (node that belongs to organic group).)

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action

becomes in the linked group:

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=233

That's the only difference.

if (!isset($form['og_nodeapi']['invisible']['og_groups']['#value'])) {

Usernode module causes nesting level too deep (recursion) in Devel's Macro module

So-- is the problem devel's macro or Agaric's custom module and/or configuration?

Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency macro
usernode recursive

not relevant, but probably very useful as Drupal goes more OOP:


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