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CCK checkbox widget

Not quite...

Content Taxonomy Options 5.x-1.x-dev Defines a option widget type for content_taxonomy for selects, radios/checkboxes

Here we go:

Option Widgets 5.x-1.6-1 Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.

That's part of core CCK (a module that comes with content.module)

Question is... can it be translated?

Allow textfields to be required but with fewer than 10 words

Agaric would like to be able to require the node body and other textfields but set the minimum number of words at fewer than ten– two or five.

This code from modules/node/, specifically line 138 ('#options' ...), would have to be changed, so that the array startes with 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 or something like that.

Skip validation for a form element in Drupal

// we have to get out of validation somehow
// we have to get out of validation for an associated group somehow

You must join a group before posting on this web site.

Well, the nuclear option on case 'action_node_form': in my implementation of hook_form_alter works:

        $form['#validate'] = array();

Now is there a way to just skip, or preset, validation for one item in the form array?


Do not show group-adding subform when adding an action to an existing group

And finally, restricting adding that extra form, the group subform in the action node posting form, to only when the action is called without a group specified:

In restricting that subset of form_alter...

Could check $form here:

[#action] => /eng/node/add/action?gids[]=156

But it seems more precise to check $form over in this mess:

Steal this Graphic promo image link functionality

It should take off on / live in

in #drupal i wrote:

@CCK_Extras - nice, eaton. Dan and I at agaric were just thinking about a textarea CCK field for 'steal this promo graphic' functionality. Now we have the base, and the home if anyone adds a 'steal this CCK image' display type -- image plus textarea with a link to it

Disabling locale choices in Organic Group node form

Wanted to hide the choice of Language: "Selecting a different locale will change the interface language of the group. Users who have chosen a preferred language always see their chosen language."

Also we will disable the choice of whether to subscribe to the node you create for an action (set to yes), "Receive notification of replies or comments to this node."

And disable or hide upload files? I guess not, you could attach fliers...

Or should fliers be a separate content type?

Getting a subform to show up correctly

damn. action_group_node_form, the form that is an organic group, has none of its organic group-iness when pulled up through subform.

The trick-- and it is tricky -- is to specify your node type not just with the agaric_example_type_node_form but also in the arguments, 'type' must be set to agaric_example_type.

Hiding extra submit and preview buttons in subforms

The way recommended to remove buttons in the API function wsf_action_fix_subform($form_element, &$form_values) () does not work:

Turning English off (using a custom English) in i18n breaks redirect on login

So WSF has a customization of the Drupal English, which we gave the prefix code "eng." This doesn't look as lovely as "en" but it works fine except for one place: when logging in and using redirection, you don't get to where you're headed. It somehow defaults to 'en' and directs you to a page with an en prefix, and because that's disabled, you get page not found.

This might be the cause, in i18n.module:

Disabled search within organic groups to work around bug

Disabled search within organic groups because there is a bug in views (according to Moshe, it's not in organic groups)


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