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Agaric wants a Drupal module that lists recently enabled and disabled modules in a block

Agaric would like a module that provides a view (or simply a standard block, linked to a page) that lists the most recently enabled modules and links to their settings pages -- like on the admin by modules page.

A list of recently disabled modules would be nice too, but this would not link to their settings pages! It could link to the modules' spot or section on the Administer » Site Building » Modules page.

Would anyone else like this? Quite an easy module to develop, although because there's no time field in Drupal 5

Although I can think of other reasons a time field would make sense... never mind I can't.

The fields in a Drupal 5 system table are: filename name type description status throttle bootstrap schema_version weight

Agaric very much hopes that with Schema API in Drupal 6, the Drupal way will be to add a column to an existing table when you need a one-to-one relationship, and not to create yet another database table and join.


UPDATE: module launched at enabled modules.

The latter feature for Enabled Modules, the block, is not that easy to do, as there are no hooks that I can find that fire to announce the installing, enabling, disabling, and uninstalling of modules (except to call hooks in the affected module itself). The system table itself saves no timestamp data. I am interested in hearing from anyone working on revision functionality for Drupal administration, so we can share the approach and data. I think it will have to be a form_alter function that provides its own submit handler. (There are several modules in this space since this was written.)

Searched words: 
recently enabled / disabled modules installed modules recent module modified block list view


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