To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.
This module provides "suggested terms" for free-tagging Taxonomy fields based on terms already submitted. It replaces the description field on free-tagging fields with a clickable list of previously entered terms. If javascript is not enabled the list will still appear but not be clickable. It provides the best of both worlds between a pre-existing list of terms and the ability to add new terms on the fly as needed.
This problem caused white screens after form submission (not exactly white screens of death, as the form submitted successfully and you could keep browsing by reloading, but a tad annoying and disconcerting all the same) and also made our Captcha image disappear.
And of course the mean red Drupal warning that told us exactly where the problem lay.
Here's bits and pieces of the error message:
warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
.module:1) on line 141.
This implementation of hook form_alter (use your own module name instead of wsf_action) will cut down on the giant textfield used by Views FastSearch by default.
The commented out code is what you can use to identify what the heck is going on in any form.
[A post to a lengthening thread on the Massachusetts Ubuntu e-mail list about raising $250,000 to put an Ubuntu ad in the New York Times.]
It's a lot (probably too much) to ask any group or organization to be the first, but we the people who give a damn about our human condition have to break a dependence on media that help the unconscionable become accepted.
Assigning a taxonomy term to all nodes
(Colloquy lost the beginning, buh.)