Theme Views FastSearch Search Bar
This implementation of hook form_alter (use your own module name instead of wsf_action) will cut down on the giant textfield used by Views FastSearch by default.
The commented out code is what you can use to identify what the heck is going on in any form.
function wsf_action_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
// global $user; if ($user->uid==1) drupal_set_message("Form ID: " . $form_id);
// global $user; if ($user->uid==1) drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($form, TRUE) . '</pre>');
switch ($form_id) { // not $form['#id']
case 'views_filters':
if (isset($form['filter0']) && $form['filter0']['#type'] == 'textfield') {
$form['filter0']['#size'] = 20;
That's a quick hack to make your Views_FastSearch form look better... the Agaric way.
form_alter is an awesome
form_alter is an awesome Drupal hook, and that's all you need to use it really-- the commented out statements can be used to print everything about a form, which you can then use to mess with the elements.
One thing to do is for all strings put in single quotation marks which aren't part of the printout but are necessary when you collapse the form variables into linear array paths.
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