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Drupal ingredient-dish-meal code-module-site analogy, and different cooks and restaurants

Code as ingredients, modules as dishes, sites as meals, installation profile as recipe, and restaurants with a menu as providers of distributions (or SaaS, though she doesn't mention that).

That's the takeaway from today's post by Karen Borchert at Agile Approach.

To find out what is making a cron run very long (or failing)

A bunch of functions run when cron is run, to find out what is causing the overall run to take a long time (possibly timing out and breaking), you need to look at them piece by piece. This code does that:

Code courtesy Tim Hilliard and tip courtesy George Cassie.

When the Minimim Viable Product isn't Minimum, or when Viable is a matter of time

Many products depend on community, on adoption within a tribe, on buzz--these products aren't viable when they first launch, precisely because they haven't been adopted. "Being used by my peers," is a key element of what makes something like a fax machine a viable product, and of course, your new tool isn't.

With enough patience and push and consistent enthusiasm, these products have a shot at crossing the threshhold. But if the mindset is "see what works and do it more," you'll often discover yourself giving up long before that happens.

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