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Visions Unite

When the Minimim Viable Product isn't Minimum, or when Viable is a matter of time

Many products depend on community, on adoption within a tribe, on buzz--these products aren't viable when they first launch, precisely because they haven't been adopted. "Being used by my peers," is a key element of what makes something like a fax machine a viable product, and of course, your new tool isn't.

With enough patience and push and consistent enthusiasm, these products have a shot at crossing the threshhold. But if the mindset is "see what works and do it more," you'll often discover yourself giving up long before that happens.

Journalism is Communicating Facts as Stories

"Journalism is the work of communicating facts as stories. Facts do not compel people to action. Stories do. The ethical responsibility of journalists is to tell stories consistent with fact."
-me (this goes for Visions Unite broadcast model too)

Globing Giving Circle web site software

The concept of giving circles is out there, and gaining popularity, and there's a site trying to coordinate them:

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