Globing Giving Circle web site software
The concept of giving circles is out there, and gaining popularity, and there's a site trying to coordinate them:
Clearly, however, the technology could be doing a lot more. And the most inclusive and technologically with-it group, based in New York, is not set up and does not seem to be planning to be set up to let anyone take the organizations they donate to and throw them into a pool of collective research and donating.
I'll be honest: my primary motivation is to never receive another scrap of paper from any worthy organization ever again— but to make sure i don't forget to give, either.
Looks like PWGD/VisionsUnite will have to offer this technology to new and existing giving circles.
I have paper (and unwanted gifts like return address stickers) from, ironically, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF); Making Contact (International Media Project / National Radio Project); and more.
A way to upload scans of all paper communication (in a way that helps people avoid uploading duplicates) would be a nice feature for sharing the research work, but mostly we'll want a way to follow summaries from people we trust.
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