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in progress

Modules in consideration for the SDL project

The Ultimate Project Planning and Management Suite in Drupal

This does not remotely exist yet. Funding a point person to lead the project to make it, and creating or improving all the modules that would make it up, is a job for coordinating community initiatives- itself an initiative that could use support.

Trying out Zotero

I was invited to join a group. The link to join a group only works if you already have an account and are logged in. Pretty clunky, that part.

But there's a big file manager at the bottom of my firefox now. We'll see how this works. A lot of it seems duplicative of Evernote. I just want to do all this in Drupal...

As all Zotero notes can be viewed as web pages in Firefox, i expect i'll like the underlying data storage in Zotero a whole lot more than Evernote.

Permissions error on git pull

ben@ubuntu:~/code/oa/web$ rake prod vlad:update
(in /home/ben/code/oa)
Everything up-to-date
Already on 'master'
Your branch is ahead of 'agaric/master' by 10 commits.
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
error: unable to unlink old 'web/sites/default/default.settings.php' (Permission denied)
Updating 183cb44..744b38c
rake aborted!
execution failed with status 1: ssh cd /var/local/drupal/oa && git checkout master && git pull agaric master

Display raw content via Drupal without any page header, sidebars, footer etc.

Sometimes you want content that is still managed by a content management system, but not displayed with any of the blocks or menus or anything else the CMS usually helpfully supplies. You may even want to take over the content definition or other information sent with the page but not seen. In other words, Take over entire page with HTML/XML defined in content.

Is there a module yet to allow a piece of content to completely take over a page? Defining all the headers and HTML and XML with nothing generated by Drupal?

Deploying the Agaric way


Where we come from

After journeying from Capistrano to Vlad we eventually use pure Rake tasks for our deployment. While Vlad was a great improvement it also had downsides. Lack of feedback from tasks made it hard to tell why they failed. Also the most interesting feature of those deployment tools is not required in our case: The ability to roll out to many servers at the same time.

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