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The Ultimate Project Planning and Management Suite in DrupalThe Ultimate Project Planning and Management Suite in Drupal
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on June 14, 2011 - 2:16pm
This does not remotely exist yet. Funding a point person to lead the project to make it, and creating or improving all the modules that would make it up, is a job for coordinating community initiatives- itself an initiative that could use support.
- Drag-and-drop arrangement of requirements. Requirements will have complexity/difficulty estimates (user story points), and phases can have totals of these points, so that as the client drags requirements upward and downward, only requirements reaching a certain total of user story points can fit in that phase.
- Ability to tie interdependent requirements together.
Remote collaboration tools
- Real-time chat.
- Multi-person editable wiki.
- Built-in sketch tool.
Searched words:
project managing software
pm tools
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