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How to clone a project from Github to work on it

This works for other people's repositories also, where you have been given access and when you have your public key.

For instance:

git clone

Have Thunderbird permanently ignore mis-matched certificate error

I have a lot of e-mail accounts. Some of them check with a different domain name than to which is registered with a security certificate for the same IP address. To check mail, you have to click OK before it times out. Every. Time.

There's a bug report that may never be resolved:

Passing an argument to a Drupal form through hook_menu and use of drupal_get_form

It works. Count how many parts to the menu path there are (text between slashes) and put that number in as a page argument in the array provided for this. (This actually means to grab the /next/ piece of the menu path to use , because the system's counting starts at zero.

Passing Arguments to Form Functions through hook_menu()

Increase scrollback history in Ubuntu's shell

Ubuntu shell scrollback
ubuntu shell history

In Terminal

Edit » Profile Preferences

Scrolling tab

Scrollback option

Maintaining a module on with CVS: committing changes

This is for a module where the current version's code is in HEAD and we aren't going to do any branching.

(agc is an agaric-specific helper script.)

agc entreztest NEW
cd drupal/
cd sites/all/modules/
mkdir entrez
cvs login
cvs co -d entrez contributions/modules/entrez
cd entrez/

Having trac header logo link to the project's trac home even when it is in a subdirectory

Getting trac to use the proper path for the link to home in its logo or sitename position.

sudo vi /srv/trac/projectname/conf/trac.ini

link = /projectname

And you're done!

To automate this, we have to figure out how are project specific settings set in trac on initialization.

So I ask Stefan.

Do you happen to know how project-specific settings are inserted into the trac.ini? I can't find it.
Any new project is set up already with:

Vim search and replace between set lines

regular expression change on next lines vi
Doesn't even need a regexp. Just find and substitute.

Replace all occurrences of "link" with "visited" between lines 221 and 225:


Fixing Trac Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (No changeset X in the repository).

When you get the trac error Can't synchronize with the repository with the specific reason that it does not have a specific changeset in the repository, en error such as below, the fix may be an easy command.

Warning: Can't synchronize with the repository (No changeset 44ac558946c26785987f0e500d23137d36bc537e in the repository). Look in the Trac log for more information.

(The ridiculously long changeset number is a hash, which is how Git makes distributed version control possible.)

Wireless router connection failing to establish with Windows Vista

Best solution to this problem: Dump Vista and Windows entirely.

But if you can't switch to Ubuntu or something reasonable quite yet, and Windows Vista is telling you your wireless network passkey, passphrase, or password is incorrect when you know it's not...

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