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Drupal Development

File uploads and Drupal 5 forms

sudo svn commit -m "uploading images will work so much better with the enctype set"

The important part, the lack of which is what was making image uploads simply not work for what were at the time unknown reasons, is the last line: $form['#attributes']['enctype'] = 'multipart/form-data';. For the file form element to work, for the file to be able to upload, the entire form's encoding type has to be set to multipart.

Allow people to upload user pictures during registration

Well that's annoying.

Spend a good chunk of time creating a module to address a need, return to the thread that's been discussing it since 2006 June to post your efforts and discover it's just been updated to report that the module has been around since 2007 November.

[Download Agaric's user_reg_picture module anyway.]

Agaric wants smarter timing for when automatic path creation should replace an existing path or be added in addition to

The idea is that if a post is edited right away, say within five minutes, and the title is changed, the new human and SEO-friendly path might best replace the old path.

Especially if a title is changed before the post is marked published, the first-created automatic text path should be replaced.

This new module or enhancement to pathauto could let you set which roles have these decisions automatically applied, and which roles the user gets asked for their input.

Allow users to assign issues to other people in the project group (organic groups and project module integration)

Client requests began immediately with the launch of running Project module with Organic Groups:

How do I assign a bug to someone else? I would like to assign the "vol in bold" issue to [P].

Here is a first draft of a function used in our project module and organic groups integration.

Following this model which was proposed to add assignment to other CVS account holders on itself:

Adding and modifying organic group action (create content) links

Moshe is a Drupal God. Look at this! There's a hook for everything!

Update for Drupal 6: Enter drupal_alter

    // Modify these links by reference. If you want control of the whole block, see og_block_details().
    drupal_alter('og_links', $links, $node);

From og.modules own implementation of hook_og_block_details:

    $links = module_invoke_all('og_create_links', $node);

Development resource list for making and reviewing patches for Drupal core

Resources to help the development of Drupal core mentioned on the development list:

Main patch and review resource (rewritten by Catch):

Setting up a test environment to review patches (pointed to by Ryan Cross):

Drupal 6 wigs out if you delete or move (as in rename to settings.php) its default.settings.php

This right here? Really, really lame.

Warning: fopen(./sites/default/default.settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /sites/example/www/includes/ on line 187

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /sites/example/www/includes/ in /sites/example/www/includes/ on line 617

Print a full Drupal database table for debugging a site

To display an entire database table from your Drupal site's DB, this script (while quite un-Drupal) got me there quickly:

Nancy W. did a whole far more Drupalish rewrite of it – – and included it in her site documentation module.


Figuring out the HTML code to generate and the CSS to use for placing CCK fields in the corners of a textfield

Text outputs as:

<div class="field field-type-text field-field-featured-product-desc"><div class="field-items"><div class="field-item"><p>win win win</p>

Image outputs as:

Site name with site e-mail (in return address of e-mails sent from the site)

[To Dan] What you were talking about yesterday was covered in one of my old issues tracked on which happened to pop up today:

short version: it would be nice to have e-mail sent with a name not just an e-mail address, and we could probably provide a module/patch to do so... three to five hours tops, and that's assuming some trouble figuring out where to put it.


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