User login


To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Removing the user login block from Drupal sites

The user login block is ugly in Drupal by default, and we thought we'd posted about theming it to make it look different but apparetntly not yet (hint: you can do a whole lot with CSS, it is id block-user-0), but for lots of sites you may not want it to display at all. (LoginToboggan module can replace the login block it with a login/register link.)

For instance, your site may not have any reason for anyone log in except administrators.

Patch naming conventions for Drupal core and contrib

webchick talking to Michelle in IRC #drupal:

I name all my patches as {module_name}-{description-of-changes}-{issue_node_id}-{issue_comment_id}.patch

Personally, I think issue_comment_id might be hard to do (even interpreted as the big #5 etc project module places in the comment title, rather than the internal Drupal ID!) since people can add comments while you are making the patch, but I'm on board with the ideal.

Getting into that habit also really forces you to keep to a one-issue-one-change thing.

The life of a web designer...

Here's a great comic I found on our friend spreadgun's blog ( ) which he found at

Allow people to upload user pictures during registration

Well that's annoying.

Spend a good chunk of time creating a module to address a need, return to the thread that's been discussing it since 2006 June to post your efforts and discover it's just been updated to report that the module has been around since 2007 November.

[Download Agaric's user_reg_picture module anyway.]

4GB SD card in a Nikon D50 does not work


I cursed the card that I picked up cheap at instead of my camera

apologies to Taiwan... the 4GB SD card (Secure Digital High Capacity Memory Card) from Taiwan, and more recently Abacus 24-7 didn't work 'cause the Nikon D50 only accepts up to 2GB. Blast.

Note to everyone: don't take a new 4 or 8 GB SD card with your Nikon D50 camera up a gorgeous mountain and expect to be able to take pictures.

Now to get a card reader and use the card as a 4 gigabyte USB thumb drive.


Adding and modifying organic group action (create content) links

Moshe is a Drupal God. Look at this! There's a hook for everything!

Update for Drupal 6: Enter drupal_alter

    // Modify these links by reference. If you want control of the whole block, see og_block_details().
    drupal_alter('og_links', $links, $node);

From og.modules own implementation of hook_og_block_details:

    $links = module_invoke_all('og_create_links', $node);

Add a span wrapper inside primary and secondary menu links in Drupal 6

This document takes us through the steps of figuring out how some output is produced (without an Integrated Development Environment with debugger) so that we can modify it. Skip straight to Agaric's answer in the resolution at the bottom if that's all you want!

theme_menu_item_link() has no effect on primary / secondary navigation links (at least when printed through the theme, and not as blocks). Which was unexpected.

However, in a Zen subtheme (called examplezen here) the following code produced all kinds of interesting output for node menus and

Print a full Drupal database table for debugging a site

To display an entire database table from your Drupal site's DB, this script (while quite un-Drupal) got me there quickly:

Nancy W. did a whole far more Drupalish rewrite of it – – and included it in her site documentation module.


Switch users in Drupal without logging out for development

Ways to switch users in a Drupal site without logging out:

From code, not for development:
Safely Impersonating Another User


Panels2 and Organic Groups

So you want to use drupal's Organic Groups module and Panels2 because you've heard through the grapevine that really slick and useful things can be done with the combo..


Well, here's what one of the experts has to say about it -->

highly recommended and very useful...

do it!

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