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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Switch to a working theme via the database after deleting a theme leads to WSOD

OK, maybe there are other situations where this can come up but in this case my esteemed colleague deleted the only enabled theme. This resulted in a White Screen Of Death (WSOD). A database fix was about as fast and more what was wanted (the deletion was intentional, just not the WSOD) than rolling back to a version with that theme (called mydeadtheme here to protect the innocent).

From the command line on your test server or local development environment:

Conference on Semantics in Health and Life Sciences report-back at Cambridge Semantic Web Meetup

Presented to us by Eric Neumann, Clinical Semantics Group

C-SHALS, this smaller conference, pre-competitive, more interesting public discussion than some other major industry events. Two day event.

Sponsored by pharmaceutical industry.

Gets very exciting, a lot of energy, semantic web but different emphasis.
FriendFeed microblogging. Only downside is understanding it manually, if someone would write a converter to triples...

Allowed vendors to do lightning talks, but not a full 20 minutes.

DrupalConDC AJAX

Asynchronous Data with Drupal:

Turns browser and site into

Live chat system used for Bill Moyers.

He is moving fantastically fst, get this presentation's slides!!!

Booting Up: Initial state
- build object-level data into the DOM
- keep your HTML working-- degrade as nicely as possible

building an array oflinks

DrupalConDC Selling Drupal Services

The way that you deliver is as/more important than what you deliver.

We sell comfort. We make our customers feel good.

How many send a note after the first meeting? How many handwritten?

Attention to detail that you notice when you're selling your business.

We tell them:

DrupalConDC The Future of Callbacks

Chx presenting.

Menus and block is similar

  • Page matcher (admin/* or admin/% oh well hmm)
  • Multiple ways to control access
  • D7: Just pieces of the page array

In Drupal7 the whole page is a renderable array, and the regions are just pieces of the page array. The center, content region is handled by the menu system, and the other regions are

They are so similar I will dare to say that they have duplicated code.

So let's unify them.

DrupalConDC Ubercart tip: use PHP form to do custom functionality, but embed later

Another Ubercart tip for the new version:
Create your custom action in the custom PHP, but then put it into code and use it that way for performance and maintainability.


DrupalConDC Caching

The star or asterisk (*) clears everything

Memcache actually looks at how many daemons you are running, creates a hash that goes across them, and makes it configarable
it uses an object orientation

Earl Miles has made OO more palatable to the Drupal community through the

Larry Garfield has handlers implementation


Storing credit card numbers with Ubercart?

This was a client request.

Answer: No.

I spoke with the developer of Ubercart during the Drupal conference we attended last week.

Using Git for Drupal development discussion

A gig and a half is all of core and contrib.

Drupal core with all of its history is 23 megabytes in a git repository.

Sticky write permissions forces new directories
chmod g+ws -r files

I show people the contents of this directory where I have index.php1, index.php2, index.php3, and why this [is a pain].

Before we even get into the benefits of collaboration.

P not moving toward git until moves toward a DVCS

That's why I have the system with a git copy

It will not be trivial.

@TODO Drupal core improvement bring back settings.php

webchick agrees!

What I want to do [get rid of default.settings.php]

and put the database settings in db.php

[that's what i do!]

[my caveat:]
you want to include db.php last so that you can override anything in settings.php site specifically

recommendation is that settings.php be version controlled and db.php not be.
[which is exactly my method :-) ]


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