Switch to a working theme via the database after deleting a theme leads to WSOD
OK, maybe there are other situations where this can come up but in this case my esteemed colleague deleted the only enabled theme. This resulted in a White Screen Of Death (WSOD). A database fix was about as fast and more what was wanted (the deletion was intentional, just not the WSOD) than rolling back to a version with that theme (called mydeadtheme here to protect the innocent).
From the command line on your test server or local development environment:
mysql -u root -pMySEcretPass
If your username and password is correct (it doesn't have to be root; in fact you can use the MySQL username and password in your settings.php or db.php file) you will be greeted with the mysql prompt, mysql>
USE drupal_mydatabasename;
SELECT name, status FROM system WHERE type='theme';
UPDATE system SET status=1 WHERE name='garland';
UPDATE system SET status=0 WHERE name='mydeadtheme';
TRUNCATE cache_page;
That was it. You have your site back. Not sure everything was necessary. And everything after the first command was at the mysql> prompt of course.
Then you can EXIT;
to return to your shell.
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