User login


unexplained double-slash-in-path page not founds

Seeing node and user pages with double slashes occasionally in my Drupal log as page not found.

Sometimes the referrer is listed as a page that redirects (i've got a crazy redirecting to node/67 thing going on in hook_init or somewhere unholy), sometimes a normal page, sometimes a page with even worse double slashes (which comes up page not found itself)

Glosario Técnico Español / Spanish Technical Glossary

Español Inglés
archivo, directorios folder, directory
dominios domains

Install Drupal 7 from the command line... with Drush, of course

Given a Drupal installation (that is, drush dl drupal), Drush can fully install Drupal, even creating the database if it has permission.

drush site-install standard --account-name=admin --account-pass=[useruser_pass] --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

Or, shorter:
drush si --db-url=mysql://[db_user]:[db_pass]@localhost/[db_name]

(The profile defaults to standard, and the account name and account pass to 'admin'.)

The site name flag is --site-name=yada

Skype continues to do everything to destroy confidence


03/16/11 Point Of Sale Withdrawal ACQUIRER OPERATIONS 35226190920 LU 13.98
03/16/11 Point Of Sale Withdrawal ACQUIRER OPERATIONS 35226190920 LU 13.98

Took a bit of googling to find a blog post mentioning Skype and "Acquirer Operations".

Evening of March 9 e-mails don't mention how it will appear on the credit card statement:

Questions for other Consulting Shops and Collectives and Freelancers

What kind of Drupal work do you most often do?

What kind of Drupal work do you most want to do?

Do you track your time?

If so, what tools do you use to track your time?

Do you track blatantly non-billable time such as reading Drupal Planet? If so, do you use the same system as for client/project work, and how do you categorize various non-work time?

Any conditions a client must meet for you to work with them?

What are your goals in life?

Do you see ways for your business to help you achieve these goals? If so, which ways?

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