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Skype continues to do everything to destroy confidence


03/16/11 Point Of Sale Withdrawal ACQUIRER OPERATIONS 35226190920 LU 13.98
03/16/11 Point Of Sale Withdrawal ACQUIRER OPERATIONS 35226190920 LU 13.98

Took a bit of googling to find a blog post mentioning Skype and "Acquirer Operations".

Evening of March 9 e-mails don't mention how it will appear on the credit card statement:

Product name: Auto-recharge
Total amount: EUR10.00
Transaction date: Mar 10, 2011
Order number: 466462164
Order status: Delivered
View your purchase history

Talk soon,
The people at Skype


Maybe Skype is now collecting

Maybe Skype is now collecting money in the US through that outfit in order to help its customers avoid the %^@@#)* 5% "foreign" purchase fees that many of them charge.

Can anyone confirm this? My Skype billings go to a Capital One card (NO/ZERO/ZILCH "foreign" purchase fees).

#skype #fail

I too am ofended by that! I'll report to my credit card too!


"ACQUIRER OPERATIONS"????? "Skype"?????

A US$16.19 charge on my Visa card by this "ghost" company. I need to dispute the charge with my bank. ^@#*!

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