User login


Wireshark and testing


for checking out how a particular IMAP was working (or not working)
filter: port 143

Setting parts of complex (nested) variables with Features

The biggest problem is likely complex variables in the variable table (nested arrays which become serialized). Here is a solution for changing only part of a complex variable: (if this doesn't work or is awkward, i have a similar solution that i can dig up, but i believe mine is less robust).

I think drupal_array_merge_deep() may be the function we want to use in these cases.

Advice to Mollom

Since they asked in the latest survey, i said...

Here's an important thing we need to know: when do we get spam because Mollom's limits for the free service were reached, and when is it because Mollom isn't recognizing it?

and would most want:

Agaric wants to set User pictures in post per content type

You can set authoring information display per content type, which takes the user picture with it, but this should be more configurable.

May tie in as far as code needed with something i apparently want so much i've posted it twice:

Show authors of all revisions on an article of content

Node Authors module: give multiple people edit rights to specific content based on userreference field

Add Book Module Style Next & Previous Links to non-book content


This should be the only time i do this on data, but the solution to this is in the Definitive Guide to Drupal 7– buy it! It's in the Other 90% chapter.


Adding next & previous links for node types within taxonomy terms (e.g. Image Galleries)

HTML5 placeholder via form alter

In a module OR a theme:

  * Use the HTML5 placeholder attribute to add help text to the search box.
function PROJECTNAME_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['search_block_form']['#attributes']['placeholder'] = t('enter search terms');

Interaction Design Encyclopedia

Very, very cool (even if they dis Wikipedia).

via Dani Nordin

Use of -p is not recommended: set file permissions explicitly

Stefan told me not to recommend scp -r ~/code/example

What is the s/findthis/replacewiththis syntax called?

what is the s/find/replace syntax called?


that's called search and replace with regular expressions

ed is the line editor used by vi [which includes this]
sed is just a stream version of ed

s is the substitution command.

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