User login


Webform 3.x, Webform Block, Mollom, and Salesforce Integration

(in progress)

As of April 15, reports are that the latest dev of of Webform Block works with the latest dev of Webform 3.x, and based on dates, Beta5 should also work.

Webform Block is reported to work with 3.x with a patch and some workarounds.

Salesforce Webform integration may be the sticking point for 3.x.

Eject a CD from Ubuntu

This is what worked to have my Ubuntu virtual machine eject a CD from my Mac's disk drive:

eject /dev/cdrom1

Create rewrite rules from new and old URLs using the power of Vim to munge text

As part of the move of Agaric content from to, we needed to create a bunch (1,592 to be precise) redirects that look like this one:

RewriteRule ^nice-menus-drop-down-bug [NC,R=301,L]

Stefan, in his wizardry, had already pulled a tab-separated-value file of the old path to the new URL, so that what we had was:


Agaric Design Collective profiled in academic paper "Snapshot of a Local Business Start-Up"

October 23, 2007

Kathleen M. Vranos

Bus 111

Snapshot of a Local Business Start- Up

Agaric Design

Part One

General Overview of Services Provided by Agaric Design

· Web design is a generalization of the services provided by Agaric Design.

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