User login


White Screen of Death due to taxonomy parent-child infinite loop

The site stopped showing. Nothing.

What I should have done first:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

0 stedile:~# apache2ctl restart

0 stedile:~# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld . . . . ..
Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables..

0 stedile:~# xm console stedile
-bash: xm: command not found

How to break Drupal's system_settings_form submit handling without trying

UPDATE for Drupal 6: If you provide a submit handler for a drupal_set_form form, you no longer have to add the system handler explicitly too.

The array() silliness at the end is gone, instead #submit itself is a simple, non-associative array.

In Drupal 6, whether the form is handled by the settings page helpful form wrapper or not, all you have to do is tack on another function to call.

How to make server respond to e-mail verification requests

Request for help at May First People Link here:

Hi Jamie,

You solved the problem of some e-mail servers (including an e-mail host of mine and another MayFirst member) requesting a verification of e-mail that one of the MayFirst servers wasn't responding to.

I knew I needed this for Stedile but I thought I could figure out what I needed to do from your e-mail. I was wrong!

Views FastSearch, Exposed Filters, and Table View

With this set up of Views FastSearch, multiple exposed filters, and a table view, everything shows in just the first column, rather than putting the fields in their respective columns. All the data is shown though.

Posted issue here:

No answers:

Best way for Views to efficiently size columns

A better table view?

Too many redirects, page fails to load issue with i18n and Global Redirect modules

So "suddenly" developed an issue where switching the language through the CSS dropdown would result in an infinite redirect loop and no page being displayed

The output from Charles alternated between something I can't show you (a 301 redirect I think) because the very, very aggressive shareware "you must pay" nagware shut it down (saved my life, but...) and this:

Unknown column 'price_interval' on fresh install of Drupal e-commerce

Errors on installing pretty much all of e-commerce 3 at once:

t() call in hook_info in Usernode causes too much locale caching

t() hook node_info Drupal
cannot use t() in custom node declaration?

Our latest culprit in the Drupal refresh wars: Usernode.

Cache clearing craziness, taxonomy and locale notes

Delete one term and every cache on your entire site gets cleared?

cache_clear_all() in `modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module':592
taxonomy_del_term('345') in `modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module':613

What's this about clearing the language cache because the organic groups page is visited in Italian? There's a ton of these:

Untranslating terms in Drupal 5: two places you have to do it

Agaric ran into an absolute show-stopper problem (somewhere it's listed on the wsf_action issue queue) that was caused not by code (the usual culprit when ben is developing) but by configuration, and in particular the absolute madness that is taxonomy term translation in Drupal 5. I think we've posted elsewhere: Just don't do it.

But if you have and need to recover:

Deleting all translations here
is not enough.

Even though it may really look like no one has a translation anymore:

Calendar views issues with breadcrumbs and arguments

Calendar view not showing
Date API views Calendar events show display

The only way to get content that has Date CCK information attachedd to it to show up is to actually add "Date: Time" to the calendar view.

Which is sort of weird.

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