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Areas to investigate regarding forming a worker-owned collective

[very rough first brainstorm]

In the form of questions to be asked of other web shops, Drupal companies, startups, multinational corporations, radical organizations, etc.

What is your legal structure? Why was this chosen?

What are your decision-making processes?

What are your hiring policies?

How do you handle, taxwise and legally, international employees? Contractors?

What do you do for health insurance? What are your policies for receiving?

How do you decide who does what?

unexplained double-slash-in-path page not founds

Seeing node and user pages with double slashes occasionally in my Drupal log as page not found.

Sometimes the referrer is listed as a page that redirects (i've got a crazy redirecting to node/67 thing going on in hook_init or somewhere unholy), sometimes a normal page, sometimes a page with even worse double slashes (which comes up page not found itself)

A bookmarklet that creates a summary of the document from HTML headers

Wouldn't that be cool? Shouldn't be too difficult; probably JQuery plugins already.

To add to Bangpound's feature list:

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