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DBScripts with git-svn and git-gui: notes

Using DBScripts. Notes from watching the master.

set to read only mode
if they do something during dump and restore, it could break dump and restore
so turn off apache for that process -- script for that may be added to dbscripts

in production environments where not even 30 seconds of downtime is acceptable, you have A/B, two sites. [Still use

svn add delete ev

bring into my environment


May or may not be a conflict.

Edited a node, yes a conflict.

Open node.sql in gedit.

Disabling Drag and Drop into WYSIWYG textarea (where do clients get these requests)

Earl's long quest brought this:

<input name="expQuant0" type="text" size="2" value="1"
onBlur="setbox(,this.value,'exp');" ondragstart="return
false;" >

"Key is to add ondragstart="return false;" that you dont want dragable, he said.

Configuring Faceted Search

Faceted search isn't too hard to configure; Instead of using views to add the exposed filter, use the faceted search page to 'add an enviroment' and set whatever search methods want and set the 'display' to the view and urls to, for example, baseurl news, then the results appear on news/results/<arguments>


Creating a word paste plugin for TinyMCE

Ebony-II:tinymce ben$ grep -nHR 'mceCleanup' . | less -S

Debug a somethnig going weird in someone elses nodeapi presave

This could be prettier. Do not judge. Especially could be prettier using an IDE.

Bringing SVN to a particular revision; useful with DBScripts

Checkout into a new directory:

svn checkout -r 1310 newlocalfolder
# Checks out a new working copy at r1310

Or update a working copy to a given revision number:

cd local-folder-for-repo
svn update -r 1310
# Updates an existing working copy to r1310

(Note: You cannot make changes and commit from an old checkout like these.)

Form altering certain CCK widget properties is tricky: adding and changing the size of an autocomplete textfield

This code (which is not called automatically but is a helper function for our hook_form_alter implementation) adds the suffix but does not change the forms size. Somehow these widget settings must get added later.

Does FeedAPI re-import a feed item if its node has been deleted?

We thought feeds would just import back news feed items after deletion, thus the need for feed moderation, but when testing it looks like it actually keeps track of deleted feed items somewhere.

Don't see any special table for this to be stored in, though.

Hmmm.. it doesn't delete anything from the feedapi_node_item table using hook-nodeapi on node delete, but it is deleting deleted feed item nodes' urls from this table nonetheless.


Lighter weight biblio_load_contributors

Somehow I wrote the explanatory text for the function twice. It seems far too much for a small function so we're pulling out the philosophy and putting it here, for now.

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