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i18nmenu too many calls to refresh cache?

There is no reason for i18nmenu to be doing this. Is there?

Testing nodeapi to see when it lets us do what

So we have testing the data available to see what happens when we try to save one our action-space associated actions or other content.

The nodes created are 571: Required, an Action space (organic group).
And 572: A new action to test, an Action.

Locale slowing stuff down, too many cache refreshes: investigating the professional way

So I finally found a thread where folks went about investigating what caused the locale cache refresh issue in the more Drupalish way:

locale initialization slowness

And in particular this debugging patch:

taxonomy_term_count_nodes() flakes out: empty white screen when term has itself as parent

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Agaric's place module (place_taxonomy to be precise) has a custom page to display all countries with the number of actions and other content posted in them (yes, we will replace this with views eventually).

Somehow (Taxonomy_manager? Places_taxonomy's own save?) the term "Milano" got itself as a parent. The result: taxonomy_term_count_nodes() flakes out and causes the custom /countries page to display an absolutely empty white screen, no error messages anywhere.

Agaric wants to be able to have a page view associated with a block view with arguments

Pass view URL argument for block to page via more link

Just do it. It works.

Research: Similar, not what we need:

Panels arguments get picked up by Views sometimes, sometimes not

In fact this person doesn't even get his question answered, but his export of his view is a nice example, including PHP code in the "empty" text.

Passing a variable from one Panel to another Panel, both using Views?

Calendar date foreach() issue for preceding non-date arguments

Fixed in dev version

KarenS - October 7, 2007 - 19:53
This was something that used to work and got broken as the Calendar acquired more features. I just committed a fix to the dev version of the module that should make it possible to use a non-calendar argument in front of calendar arguments, which will let you dynamically filter the calendar by whatever that argument is.

Disable delete for regular users

Conclusion: Because Drupal 6 finally introduces delete permissions separate from edit permissions, Agaric's motivation for providing truly proper behavior went the way of "why do today what's been done for you tomorrow?"

Instead, we present a dirty hack.

A tweak to Agaric's form tweak module that:

Last minute errors (Agaric overzealous cleaning crew)


1-in action space menu there should be an item visible to insiders and outsiders "overview " giving a list of elements in action space wiht their nature (the title and nature and date and number of comments)- it is still very confusing when looking

2-i have been trying to create content (other than actionsà in action spaces -NOTHING WORKS EXCEPT IMAGES
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wsf_action_autofill_places_from_group() in /var/www/d53/sites/ on line 56

Can't use taxonomy_node_get_terms immediately after terms inserted

The short version is in the title -- use your own query (or the get terms by vocab one which doesn't use a cache technique of any sort, no static variable).

The rest of the post is how NOT to do it when you're pressed for time and making stupid time-consuming mistakes.

let's transfer places

Action made in the same turn (but definitely after) an Action space (organic group) does this:

locale_refresh_cache call by Subscribe: legit or not?

When clicking on "Subscribe" on a node, it triggers locale_refresh_cache:

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