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Bringing Modern CSS to Internet Explorer

CSS3 selectors for IE

selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8. Simply include the script in your pages and selectivizr will do the rest.

PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

Indent lines in Vim

To indent a set of eight lines in vim, from the first one, in normal (esc) mode:


To indent a curly braces block, go to a curly brace and:


To mark and indent (using 'm' as the marking letter, the first m is the marking command):

Enter mm at the top of block to indent, go down to the end of what needs to be indented, and type >'m

Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2

This isn't pretty. And i've probably left out a critical step.

Core concepts: making some changes directly in the database. Enabling head2head and alpha2alpha in the database (setting both status and schema_version). Manually commenting out the update hooks that i did in the database to make user module's updates work so that alpha2alpha's can work.

Setting the line in alpha2alpha.module to give the current version:

  $version = variable_get('alpha2alpha_version', 7);

Extract and decompress with tar into a directory of another name

Can use

strip NUMBER leading components from file names on extraction

in conjunction with -C

but have to create the directory first anyway, so moving (mv)after the fact is probably easier.


Find the function definition of the current function or find uses of a given function

'gd' doesn't do anything for me (recommended here: )

The asterisk works great though!

  • Read the string under the cursor and go to the next place it appears. (For instance, if your cursor was somewhere on the word "bob," the cursor would move to the next occurance of "bob" in your file.)

Same as above, except it moves the cursor to the previous occurrence.

Saving the modules page no longer (necessarily) rebuilds menus

Here's the code in system_modules_submit() - the function called when admin/modules is saved - that skips over flushing caches if no modules are enabled or disabled:

Drupal Work Collective Book Sprint Cape Cod II

Drupal Work Collective plans.


Power strip (ben)
Power squid (dan)
More powerful wifi (dan ben - not sure if it's good enough though)


Bring from Agaric HQ North Natick:

Health care

Affordable Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire Group Health Insurance Plans from the National Association of Socially Responsible Organizations (NASRO), a Co-op for Professionals, Businesses of all Sizes, Non Profits, Individuals & Families, Self Employed People and Freelancers

[old] Skinr weirdness, an unneeded line breaks the next one

[This may be out of date]

This didn't start working until i added the squid line.

skinr[second_sidebar][features][] = squid
skinr[second_sidebar][features][] = block

(Squid is not added to the features array, but it's the only thing that makes block show up. And if 'block' is put first, then it's only squid that is added to the array of features.)




produces fuzz

Seeing node information (such as content type) with a helper module that is not readily available otherwise

Finding a module
drupal node info block node information block module

if not displayed

creation date and time

creation author (user who created the node)

And also:

promoted to front page status

sticky status

node ID (NID)

published status

commenting status (enabled, read only, or disabled)

should theoretically be visible

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