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Adding Git projects to the KGB bot

Stefan set up the kgb-bot to post in the Agaric IRC channel when anyone pushes a commit to one of our repositories. These repositories are hosted on our server, and each one needs to have a very simple bit of configuration added to it and to the KGB server configuration when we add one.

Here's the easiest way for me to do that. For information about getting started with KGB in the first place, see

A Look at the New MySpace

At my other job at Activore we are aware of everything in the social networking space, so without further ado, the new MySpace (

For a while now, it has been just a signup page. (Which is probably still all you'll see.)

Capture all sent mail locally with Postfix

For development, you don't want any e-mail sent to the outside world, but you do want to be able to see all mail your sites or application try to send. Here is a configuration of Postfix to do that.

The trick is to BCC everything to a local user, and discard without error any other sending.

This is based on several guides and Q&As online but well, none of them worked for me, so here's exactly what i did (minus all the missteps).

CFWheels taking action on a particular error

If you have more than one error on a property (aka column in a database table, as defined in your model) you need to create custom errors so you can name them

For instance, in your User.cfc model in your custom error method you have:

Command line Git on Windows

A principal at Agaric regrettably uses Microsoft Windows as a primary operating system. In fact, though, everything works great for him using the open source integrated development environment Eclipse to develop, including using the eGit plugin-- except when something goes wrong, and my (limited) command line knowledge of Git is useless to help him.

Fortunately, it turns out to be pretty easy to have command-line Git on Windows with Eclipse, it just isn't well documented.

How to fetch a file at a URL and set it as the default image in an image field

There's two separate cool things here that you might want to do. One, simply know how to save a file from a URL (there's a secret Drupal function for that in system module) and two, how to give an image field a default image when creating it programmatically (that part is outsourced to the fieldhelp module).

Set a git commit message in bash but also go to Vim for further editing

A colleague insists that messages abide by the 72 character limit advisory, and i want to change my habit to get the files-changed and, just as important, files-left-out information that git commit will give in the Vim editor.

I'm still a bit addicted to the git commit -m "Message here" workflow of entering messages right in the command line, and it's more than just habit: it is very useful to be able to look at the git add -p record.

Have menu local tasks (view, edit, etc. tabs) show menu item description as tooltip

Most menu items in Drupal 7 show a link tool-tip, or title, but local tasks (the tabs you are most used to seeing as the edit link tab on full node pages sadly do not follow this sensible pattern.

Until Drupal core is fixed so that menu item "description" is applied to title attribute of menu tab links", here is a fix for Drupal 7. Change this to your custom theme's name (replace 'example') and drop into your theme's template.php file:

Simple Search Engine Optimization: Getting the Basics Right

I recently did some search engine optimization consulting for a local business, Indresano Landscaping, who was not using Drupal or any other Agaric services, and it was a nice opportunity to review the basics of SEO -- and to realize just how much Drupal does for us.

PHP Arrays plus symbol (+) syntax

With the $array1 + $array2 syntax, anything with a text key in $array1 is kept, at the expense of anything with the same key in $array2.

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