User login

Benjamin Melançon

move user search tab from search/user to admin/people/search

Agaric decided to make a contributed module to do this:

See that project page. The below is mostly notes on wrong turns!

It would be nice if this just used a different permission other than a person's ability to access profiles:

Command line Git on Windows

A principal at Agaric regrettably uses Microsoft Windows as a primary operating system. In fact, though, everything works great for him using the open source integrated development environment Eclipse to develop, including using the eGit plugin-- except when something goes wrong, and my (limited) command line knowledge of Git is useless to help him.

Fortunately, it turns out to be pretty easy to have command-line Git on Windows with Eclipse, it just isn't well documented.

Define and Use a JQuery Plugin as a Helper Function for Drupal JavaScript

Here's the basics of defining and using a JQuery plugin within the context of Drupal.

This is definitely not the best and highest use of a plugin, and may in fact be a downright abomination-- this isn't a plugin that really works outside the context of the code it is written for, and certainly not outside Drupal. But it was a clean way to abstract out 42 lines of code, so here it is, for the enjoyment of all.

The first part here is simply how to call JQuery from Drupal, the second part is the plugin.

How to fetch a file at a URL and set it as the default image in an image field

There's two separate cool things here that you might want to do. One, simply know how to save a file from a URL (there's a secret Drupal function for that in system module) and two, how to give an image field a default image when creating it programmatically (that part is outsourced to the fieldhelp module).

Set a git commit message in bash but also go to Vim for further editing

A colleague insists that messages abide by the 72 character limit advisory, and i want to change my habit to get the files-changed and, just as important, files-left-out information that git commit will give in the Vim editor.

I'm still a bit addicted to the git commit -m "Message here" workflow of entering messages right in the command line, and it's more than just habit: it is very useful to be able to look at the git add -p record.

Using Views DataSource and Feeds to pull content from one site to another... with multiple images

Disclaimer: This is a should-be-deprecated approach, both Views DataSource and Feeds can be replaced with better options, such as Services or RestWS to Rules and Rules XPath Parser. But this approach basically works now.

On the source site.

Making Views Datasource Output multiple values for an image

drush dl image_url_formatter
drush -y en image_url_formatter

Configure the View to use it for the desired image field ("Image URL" instead of "Image").


Shaping Drupal's Future (presentation description)

Drupal does not belong to the Drupal Association. It does not belong to Node One, Phase Two, Chapter Three, Four Kitchens, Palantir, Acquia, or even Agaric. It does not belong to Dries— except the name. It belongs to you, and every other person who steps up to claim it, equally.

What does it mean to take ownership?

PHP Arrays plus symbol (+) syntax

With the $array1 + $array2 syntax, anything with a text key in $array1 is kept, at the expense of anything with the same key in $array2.

Git remote branches are different on my local compared to server

The local checkout on my computer and the one on the dev server are looking at the same Git repository, but the results of git branch -a (show all remote branches) is very different.

Reason: git pull origin master does not get all the branch and tag information the way git fetch does!


git fetch origin

Now git branch -a and git checkout branchicareabout both work.

Internal error from Redmine turns out to be due to tmp directory being full

This helpful error:

Internal error An error occurred on the page you were trying to access. If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.

When looked into the logs:

sudo tail -f /var/log/redmine/default/production.log

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