User login

Benjamin Melançon

Give custom blocks template suggestions by type and views blocks by view ID

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter() for blocks.
function kidneys_theme_suggestions_block_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {

How to get the base path for your Drupal 8 site in a Twig template

In page.html.twig you will have a working {{ base_path }} variable. Why it isn't available in every template, i have no idea. As i think it should be and everything else looks messy, my preferred solution is to do exactly as Drupal does in the preprocess page function for any place i need it.

Setting breadcrumbs to exactly what you want

In Drupal it is quite easy to set breadcrumbs with the function drupal_set_breadcrumb(), which takes an array of links (as you would make with the l() function). It's a bit of a blunt instrument but it works (and wins out over hook_menu_breadcrumb_alter()).

Add a replacement pattern token for a Views field rewrite results

Views fields offer the opportunity to "Rewrite results: Rewrite the output of this field". The option further specifies "Enable to override the output of this field with custom text or replacement tokens." It then provides a textarea with the instruction: "The text to display for this field. You may include HTML. You may enter data from this view as per the 'Replacement patterns' below." The replacement patterns, in turn, have the introduction: "The following tokens are available for this field.

How to programmatically rename a content type (change node type machine name)

Set old_type if you want to programmatically update a node type / machine name.

(This is not about changing the type of a node, but changing what type is called on the machine-info level.)

$type->old_type is what node_type_save() checks for when updating a node type, if it's not set it will create a new node type even if orig_type is set to an existing bundle. So really all you need to do right before saving a modified content type is set the old_type to the orig_type, such as:

Getting started with Behat testing for Drupal

Behat is a tool to support behavior-driven development in PHP. Behavior-driven development, in turn, is a set of practices and tools to bring leadership, technical, and other participants in a software project to the same understanding of needed outcomes. The key to this is to describe what people should be able to do with the application in language that all participants understand. The role of tools like Behat is to enable these human-readable sentences to be run as machine-readable tests.

Set login name to use for SSH per host

As a completely hypothetical example, suppose you boneheadly thought it would be nice to standardize your local login name to something different than on some existing servers.

You want standard scripts that assume current username to work— you wrote them to share, after all. So how to make this work?

Something like this in your ~/.ssh/config file (create and chmod 600 if it doesn't exist already) will work:

Host agaric-test
User bmelanco

Setting up a new GNU/Linux computer (Debian/Ubuntu flavor) for Drupal work, Agaric style

Create an SSH key


Send a copy of the public key to an agaric with access to the test server to add it there. Read more about setting up public keys and agent forwarding.

Get Drush

Follow composer instructions on (preferred over apt-get or PEAR.)

Overriding a string the second-simplest way in Drupal 7

Here's the situation: You don't need administrator-customizable strings like the String Overrides modules provide, but you'd like the changes in a more share-able (or consistently version controlled) place than settings.php, which details an easy $conf way of doing string overrides.

Well, here's how to do it with a variable set function that can go in a module's install or update hook:

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