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Testing an image file upload for Drupal 8 with Behat, maddeningly requiring a web driver with JavaScript

For a how-to, see Using JavaScript in Behat tests (manual steps for installing, running).

For my stumbling around in the dark... read on.

On the unenviable proposition of having to add JavaScript support to Behat

behat mink extension cannot find fields

Getting started with Behat testing for Drupal

Behat is a tool to support behavior-driven development in PHP. Behavior-driven development, in turn, is a set of practices and tools to bring leadership, technical, and other participants in a software project to the same understanding of needed outcomes. The key to this is to describe what people should be able to do with the application in language that all participants understand. The role of tools like Behat is to enable these human-readable sentences to be run as machine-readable tests.

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