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Project Management for Fun and Profit at CommonPlaces Room

process shouldnt drive development, it should support it. it should minimize the "what are we doing now" help to stay focused on the project

someone should be the owner of every piece

agile -- time and materials contracts ---

waterfall -- the more traditional linear approach....

agile good for user: centric social networks, web apps

waterfall - corporate sites and other informational sites

agile requires talented developers, clients willing to invest continuous resources and actively think about direction, constant access to design resources

Selling Drupal Services at CommonPlaces Room

selling you and your drupal services

entreprenuership is cool

true genius is pulling the threads out of the ether and giving them reality! (david lynch said a similar thing once!)

sales guy and a boss of 11 people, coaching hockey taught him a lot

if you do the right thing winning takes care of itself.

what is this? a little bit too much about lucidus for me

  1. ground rules

  2. how we sell drupal

  3. some things learned along the way

The Business of Open Source at CommonPlaces Room


Liza Kindred

open source initiative

turn free software into jobs
lullabot has 401k benefits

lullabot supports 35 ppl with families !!! awesome!!!

credit / attribution

  1. free redistribution
    of ideas, no new ideas, someone's already had it, dont keep ideas to yourself. everybody has good ideas

  2. source code
    mission statements are dumb, but understand the core values of a company is really really important

Flash and Drupal

travis tidwell - travist

built dash media player

flash integration with drupal

technology required to do cool shit with flash and drupal

how flash and drupal communicate

why flash and drupal?
- combine beauty and powerdrupalcon twitter wall

how flash and drupal communicate
- RPC Remote procedure calls
-- uses xml to call a remote function
-- amf - actionscript message format

flash is always on the client side

Drupalcamp, How to and Q & A session notes

drupalcamps session

drupalcampNYC - eric goldhagen

drupalcamps and barcamps - people getting together and being productive a lot of good coding came out of it

how to guide to drupalcamps

what is a drupalcamp
why a camp not a con
how many people
how much $
where are they held
how often are they held

Using SMS for Data Collection at Torvalds Room

  1. mobile handset
  2. sms gateway
  3. drupal

sms framework + clickatell gateway module

free ways to do stuff

email gateways

  • module included in sms framework
  • only supports sending



DrupalConDC Using Intelligent Web Services for Semantic Drupal Sites

Works best with well-written long-form prose (not well for tweets).

Puts the document into topic.

17 now, will probably go up to 300 and stop there.

semantic web compliant format: RDF

Then goes a step farther. For a subset, takes you into the linked data world. Another emerging standard, a Tim Berners-Lee initiative

for instance dbpedia
CIA World Factbook
now OpenCalais

Calais is a web service. Hard to demo.

When machines are talking to machines, usually takes us half-a-second to process a normal news article.

Drupal and the Geospatial Web at Berners-Lee Room



  • language
  • history
  • usage
  • privacy
  • look

drupal -> nice map module -> nasa


ogc compliant

noaa wms

georss - friendfeed


kml and georss in gmaps api


Totally Rocking Your Development Environment at Trellon Room

some useful drupal development tips

  • - Firefox profile manager
  • - imacros - testing user interface
  • - Drupal for Firebug - !!! - module and an extension!!! awesome!!
  • - modules that are cool -> admin menu, devel, simpletest, logintobbogan, xdebug (php degugger)

source code and config management

Presentation on Presenting

Emma Jane Hogbin's pre-Conference session, "Presenting You!"

[paraphrased, I know it better as "...and tell them what you told them"]
Tell people what you are going to teach them.
Teach them.
Tell people what you taught them.

For a 45 minute presentation, can break your presentation into 15 minute chunks:

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