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Left and right double quotation marks with :before and :after pseudoclass content

Style blockquote with no indent, different color, and :before and :after open-quote and close-quote.

#block-views-featuredsupporter-block_1 blockquote {
  margin: 1em 0;
  color: #0e4e60;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;

Drupal adds class js to html tag when JavaScript is enabled

texas-bronius: What's the best way to provide css for non-js-enabled browsers that differs for css for js-enabled?
17:13 texas-bronius: hi benjamin-agaric welcome back
17:15 benjamin-agaric: texas-bronius: hi. Assign the classes themselves with JavaScript?
17:15 texas-bronius: benjamin-agaric: duh. Yes, good idea thanks. Class name could be "hasjs" or something.

How make double rounded borders with CSS3 (and using an extra div)

I couldn't find a way to do this in straight CSS3.

A light colored border, a white (transparent) space in between, and a blue background, all rounded.

Also, note that by using CSS3, we are oh-so-subtly telling Internet Explorer users (before IE9, anyway) that we don't care that the site doesn't look as pretty as it does to people sensible enough to use good web browsers.

First, let's get the extra HTML out of the way.

JQuery select elements without a given class or ID

Anywhere you can use .classnamehere as a Jquery selector, you can use:


How to call the path to theme from within the theme (and why)

We had a site that occasionally generated page not found errors for ie6_fixes.css. Occasionally, we realized, because this file was only sought by browsers following the hide-from-everything-except Internet Explorer 6 code. The file was then not being found because the name of the whole theme had changed, and the existing template had hard-coded in not just the location but also the name of the theme.

Changed in page.tpl.php (and all variations such as page-front.tpl.php and page-node-4.tpl.php:
@import "/sites/default/themes/jonas_theme/ie6_fixes.css";

Aquasoft / MGP-Forum style CSS background graphical menu for Drupal primary links

We first used this technique from the aquasoft theme on a 4.7 site, MGP-Forum, and just used it again, updated for Drupal 5 and with one enhancement by us.

Here's the D5 version from Aquasoft:

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