User login


RDFa in Drupal core: some suggestions from the semantic web community

Suggested simplification of the syntax, and a small correction, from <a href=""

So the way I see this working for Taxonomy module is that a the URI for a publicly defined, shared ontology can be added to a Drupal term as metadata, which the proposed taxonomy_term_load hook would enable.

Reviving FOAF (scavanging Walkah's Drupal 4.6-era foaf module)

The release page as of October only showed 4.6 and a HEAD version from the same date (November 13, 2006) and about the same size. (Maybe HEAD was compatible with 4.7, i didn't try to use it, but that's the one examined below).

Here are the parts Agaric found interesting:

From foaf_user (implementation of hook_user), we see the addition of an HTML header and, in the content, a link to a FOAF download:

Alternate_login module does not provide a security benefit

Responding to Lauramba's Using Alternate Login Module to Protect Your Site (she doesn't have comments enabled, so in addition to e-mailing through her contact form I'm posting here for posterity).

Hi Laura,

I agree with your post in theory, as in that approach would be a good idea, but alternate_login module doesn't do that– it still allows people to log in with the regular username, so it actually increases the chances people can guess a correct login.

EOL Taxonomy Sprint: Encyclopedia of Life's own taxonomy plans

Schema for Data Objects

in any given data object I have to make use of at least two taxonomies

<ScientificName>Argiope aurantia</ScientificName>

Major participatory thrust: Drupal multisites (eventually standalone) called LifeDesks

concentrating on expert taxonomists now
our goal is vetted content for EOL

lots of features in core taxonomy that we will want

canonical name
common name
hierarchical XML import

using APIs listed

Taxonomy Management

Semantic Web session at DrupalCampNYC5

Leads the New York City Semantic Web Meetup.

RDF - Resource Description Framework
Sparql - an RDF query language

RDF by nature is a graph, whereas a relational database typically fits into tables. That's the biggest difference

Define parents to match your data set and it will create a subgraph.

Define graph please?

A graph is a label and a value.

My presentation for my CEO a year ago:

Relationships are directed. The relationship has a type and a direction.

If you just use a tag, you get a cloud.

Dropbox functionality (of the kind wanted for Related Content) already implemented

"chx has a dropbox module in CVS, which'd provide a 'clipboard' for putting stuff into, for operations to be taken on later." (catch comment on Taxonomy improvements thread)


RDF Roundup

Resources and tools related to RDF


W3C RDF Overview page, more recent Semantic Web activities.

RDF category of Drupal modules for download:

RDF's long lineage in Drupal

RDF has a very long, if quiet, history in Drupal core. In the year 2000, May 18, in what I think is the first commit to the still-going CVS repository that holds the Drupal project — back when Drupal was called drop — Dries Buytaert included a file called rdf.php.

Module development session at DrupalCamp NYC 5

Steven W. Merrill gave it and it was very good. That's all you need to know, plus this:

Notes and the module he developed in front of us, greatly extending the page_example module available from Drupal's API, are available here:

To everyone who visited the module building session, here are the the two files that we built:

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