RDFa in Drupal core: some suggestions from the semantic web community
Suggested simplification of the syntax, and a small correction, from <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2008Oct/0026.html"
So the way I see this working for Taxonomy module is that a the URI for a publicly defined, shared ontology can be added to a Drupal term as metadata, which the proposed taxonomy_term_load hook would enable.
Currently in SCF the external ontology is linked to in the synonyms of the terms, with a URL as one of the synonyms! For instance:
One person also referenced SCOT [but P has tried it out and could not use it for, at least, specific scientific purposes].
Semantic Web Firefox Extensions
And we're off!
Overview of RDFa in Drupal 7 core efforts:
And doing it in Drupal 6 right now:
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