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Agaric wants Eclipse to flag the entire file prominently, not just a line, when it has a parse error

Agaric wants a plugin or something for eclipse that will make it very clear around the document that a fatal parse error has been identified somewhere in it— not just a mark on the side of the line with the problem. Too easy to miss.


Getting trained by Eclipse PDT: Opening an existing folder of files as a project

So you have a directory structure of a project, say it's a giant site you're taking over, and you want to open it as a project in Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT) to be able to use the project-wide search and other cool tools.

I just spent an hour trying to do it through File » New PHP Project and then naming the existing spot in the file system for the folder with all the code. This did not work. It completed without error, but if it were even creating the project I have no idea where it was putting them.

Creating a project in the default location did work.

Shared Calendar for Boston area

Jason Pramas of Open Media Boston on a shared calendar for the greater Boston area:

Macbook batter not charging. Scared to unplug at 86%

MacBook model A1181, battery A1185.

Plugged in it won't discharge the battery any more, but it won't charge either.

This is new.

And not good.


macbook battery stops charging at 98%, is it dying already?

Not my problem.

Thought maybe related:

Get Linux running on your Linksys Router

Recently my router was giving me some problems, the worst type, dropped signal!

After hours of searching around in forums and such, I concluded that it must (hopefully) have something to do with Linksys's generally bad router software, you know, the page you goto to make all your settings and stuff... usually found at

Automatically making connections

Just a quick post to note that the Facebook functionality where when you type in a URL it instantly finds if there's a Facebook group with that web site is pretty cool.

It puts a little too much information about the group right embedded in your post, but still a very cool connection-maker (or re-enforcer).


Open 7zip files on a Mac

Tip from the excellent, simple

The Unarchiver

Uncompress RAR, 7zip, tar, and bz2 files on your Mac. Many new Mac users will be puzzled the first time they download a RAR file. Do them a favor and download UnRarX for them!


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