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Drupal Theming

Theme Views FastSearch Search Bar

This implementation of hook form_alter (use your own module name instead of wsf_action) will cut down on the giant textfield used by Views FastSearch by default.

The commented out code is what you can use to identify what the heck is going on in any form.

How to print views from a theme: use PHP to insert views directly into a template

This is useful for custom home pages (page-front.tpl.php), and can also be used in custom modules that provide pages.

Not the answer! This is for putting a view directly into a node:

There are at least two ways to print a view directly from your theme, custom module page, or PHP input format page:

Ask Agaric (unsolicited edition) - how to change Drupal core output with a theme

Hi Neil,

I haven't themed forums in this way but here's the general approach:

You want to look in forum.module (and possibly other files such as include/*.inc files-- core isn't entirely modular (yet) to try to find the function that outputs the time. It _should_ be named function theme_something_something. (Where it is actually called to produce output it will be in the form theme('something_something') -- this is how Drupal allows you to override theme functions rather than modify core.

Putting regions and blocks in Drupal nodes

Regions in blocks from Lullabot as interpreted by Morton:

übermucho more fun with regions in nodes

Ohh and another little thing i found over at the lullebot site (eaton you are a hero!) adding regions inside the node - damn that have been a lifesaver the last couple of weeks.
So just if i ever ever ever forgets it - heres the snip (and now no more absurd css trix margin: -666px 0 0 0)
add a region

Notes from Christophe, circa beta 2

dear ben and dan, dear all,

we had a short chat this morning jason, pierre and me, and we propose to have an other one at 5pm paris or rome time (3pm gmt) and to have this kind of appointment every day in order to finish the website asap:
i send you in this mail some remarks on the front page, and i copy a mail i sent yesterday about the action registration form.
in solidarity,

about the font page

Theming the User Profile Pictures in Drupal

In yet another installment of my latest documenting saga, we're going to cut through all the crap, and learn how to theme user profile pics in drupal.

I'm not going to take full credit for this, as most of the work was done by the good folks over at Lullabot...

I thought there was a page-front.tpl.php or similar option for Drupal 5 themes

But I can't find it.

Is it possible to create a unique front page template using phptemplate? Jeff eaten describes how yes, it is possible with custom code in template.php.

And there's no mention of built-in option for a special front page template in PHPtemplate section of Drupal's theming handbook.

But I still think it's possible...


In Drupal 5, page-front.tpl.php does take over for the front page, overriding page.tpl.php.

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