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You cannot reassign an object in a function and expect the outside object to change

Stefan found a bug introduced in a contributed module when the authors took a passed-in object and, instead of only updating its properties as before, tried to change it by assigning a whole new object to the variable name.

This does not work:

Make your menus understand people's angle of intent

I read years ago how Apple at the time had a much more intuitive interface because of things like interpreting anything in the direction of a submenu as headed there, rather than immediately moving focus to whatever happened to be under one's cursor (and also how putting menus at the very edge of the screen gave them infinite depth). Always was on the lookout for people applying this to the web as best practice and finally here's an article and a JQuery plugin:

JavaScript to open external sites (not on domain or subdomain) in new target

It's bad Web practice to open any links in a separate window, but it does help when going for an HTML mobile app and it's becoming accepted expected behavior for anything with a stream.

So here's the JavaScript:

Approaches to in-line editing with a few different JavaScript front-end frameworks

Doesn't seem to be a question of the framework, to judge from the lack of anyone asking or answering the question this way...

A Look at the New MySpace

At my other job at Activore we are aware of everything in the social networking space, so without further ado, the new MySpace (

For a while now, it has been just a signup page. (Which is probably still all you'll see.)

Railo/Coldfusion can't use function postType that exists in an in-scope CFWheels view helper

In short: POSTTYPE() has "No matching Method/Function"... even though i just defined it. If i define/call it with a different name, it works.

Railo Error (expression)

Message No matching Method/Function for POSTTYPE()
Stacktrace The Error Occurred in
/home/ben/code/gymnet/views/feed/_display_feed.cfm: line 3 Core Values is a for-pay social network,

Their core values are pretty great:

1. We are selling our product, NOT our users.

We will never sell your personal data, content, feed, interests, clicks, or anything else to advertisers. We promise.

2. You own your content. members always have full control of their data and the fundamental right to easily back-up, export, and delete ALL of their data, whenever they want.

move user search tab from search/user to admin/people/search

Agaric decided to make a contributed module to do this:

See that project page. The below is mostly notes on wrong turns!

It would be nice if this just used a different permission other than a person's ability to access profiles:

Setting up Git to Rebase on Pull Without Command Line


In the .gitconfig file in your home directory, ~ for Linux, and for Windows something like c:\Users\MyName, make sure there are these lines:

  autosetuprebase = always

And in the project-specific .git/config (in the project's root directory), make sure there are lines like these, in particular of course the last one:

[branch "master"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/master
  rebase = true

Set a git commit message in bash but also go to Vim for further editing

A colleague insists that messages abide by the 72 character limit advisory, and i want to change my habit to get the files-changed and, just as important, files-left-out information that git commit will give in the Vim editor.

I'm still a bit addicted to the git commit -m "Message here" workflow of entering messages right in the command line, and it's more than just habit: it is very useful to be able to look at the git add -p record.

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