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Functional Accessibility Evaluator (FAE) web accessibility tool and resource; may be better than W3C

From one of our favorite clients, regarding a capability on which we need to greatly improve:

hi again... i dont remember if i sent this to you before, but i just had a whole meeting for the past hour about web accessibility and making video files/podcasts etc. accessible to people with disabilities.... this site, it doesnt pick up video stuff, but its super helpful in letting you know how compliant any website is with accessibility standards ....

Twitter module for Drupal plus Facebook plus Adium equals end of schizophrenia

One status for all your online identities: the end of schizophrenia! Update your status on your Drupal site, and keep your wider wired and wireless world informed.

First, the Twitter module for Drupal by walkah is very simple and a little non-intuitive as to where to do settings, so we'll start with some Twitter module documentation that should be cleaned up and put on (pending the commit of a patch Agaric used and probably other enhancements of the module).

Set the return path for e-mail sent by a web server


this is set for us, but apache process (Linux user www-data) still is sending e-mail as

Won't send email

help with drupal sending mail

I think I've identified our problem:

php mail() set from address

Timelines in Drupal

this is what i'm workign on

benjamin melançon
There's a Drupal module for that (and it's sure to be better than poll module, which is getting voted out of core), but it's not up to date:

Locale subset module motivation: remove, hide, get rid of non-public UI strings


Doing the World Social Forum site right now has brought up two questions for me:

First, is there a way to tell either the translation interface or a PO export to ignore all strings in /admin pages?

Moving a MySQL Database by Command Line Interface

mysqldump -u root -p internetbar_live > internetbar_backup.sql

(should gzip here)

This command compresses the file database.sql and replaces it -- deletes it -- with the compressed .gz file database.sql.gz

gzip database.sql

scp ben@ internetbar_backup.sql

On the other end if you compressed, uncompress:

gunzip database.sql.gz

Note: tar is for making an archive of multiple files.

about connection spaces

Proposal about connections
am quite conscious that the text needs more working on it - to clarify and simplify - but i am out for several days, so i put it in this early version -may work on it online if i can

Disable delete for regular users

Conclusion: Because Drupal 6 finally introduces delete permissions separate from edit permissions, Agaric's motivation for providing truly proper behavior went the way of "why do today what's been done for you tomorrow?"

Instead, we present a dirty hack.

A tweak to Agaric's form tweak module that:

Content Management System for

I have visited the both the company’s website and content management system site and have compiled a list of questions below that I would like to address during the meeting. Feel free to send these over to Ben ahead of time, or we can just bring them up during the demo.

Content Management System Questions:

* How easy / difficult is it to change a page

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